Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 85


        UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention Launches First Blockchain-Based


        UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention   to develop smart systems, provide the best   help improve  data  and  information
        (MoHAP)   has   launched   the   first   smart  e-services,  ensure the happiness   validation and consistency,  which in  turn
        blockchain-based  system  to   save  of  customers  and  implement  TRA  provides a high level of transparency and
        and share assessment  information of   standards, smart government  enablers,   trust in the healthcare services sector.
        health  professionals, including doctors,   and the United Nations E–Government   With immutable data, all health providers
        pharmacists and technicians,  with  local   Development  Index”  Al Ketbi added.  He   can access reliable information  and help
        licensing health authorities.        stressed  that  the innovative project will   take appropriate decisions,  automate
        •  The smart  system comes  in line with   support the Emirates Blockchain Strategy   workflow processes electronically, improve
          Emirates Blockchain Strategy 2021  2021, which aims  to capitalize on the   customer  and  employee experience,
        •  The sophisticated platform to  create   blockchain technology  to transform 50   and boost operational  performance”
          unhackable & unchangeable distinctive   per cent of government transactions into   Mubaraka  Ibrahim  highlighted.  She
          imprint of digital data            a  blockchain-based platform by  2021.   added that  the  ministry  is  working to
        •  The  unmatched   system  reduces  This can  be done through  recording and   develop  e-health services according  to
          operational  costs   and    paper  documenting  digital  transactions  using   the smart  government  enablers’ index.
          transactions,  upgrades  the digital   blockchain technology, besides allocating   It  is  mapping out operational  plans to
          security of national data          a  distinctive imprint of digital data  that   integrate digital  technologies  with  smart
        The smart  system, which will  cover   cannot be hacked or changed. This huge   applications,  and improve the quality,
        healthcare  workers  in  public and private   development  would  increase the level of   safety and efficiency of healthcare, based
        health facilities overseen  by  the Ministry,   digital security  of national data, reduce   on the big data management,  predictive
        will  help  reduce resource consumption   operational costs, paper transactions, and   models and blockchain technologies. “The
        in terms of time and cost, and improve   speed  up the decision-making process,   Information  Technology  department at
        efficiency and data integrity. Awad Saghir   enhance the safety of patients and provide   the ministry  is  looking forward  to  further
        Al  Ketbi,  Assistant  Undersecretary  of  the   effective and efficient healthcare services.   improvements and developments to
        Support Services Sector, said: “The Ministry   For her part,  Mubaraka  Ibrahim, Director   enhance the role of blockchain in licensing
        has successfully developed the necessary   of Information Technology at the ministry   health professionals, and updating health
        infrastructure for a  blockchain-based   said: “The  blockchain  technology offers   workers’ data  when obtaining  a  new
        decentralized database. In the first stage,   a  variety  of  benefits  and  advantages,   certificate  or  practice.  The  blockchain
        we will link the evaluation of health workers   including a decentralized database in which   technology  can also  be used to  create
        system  with  public and private  health   the stored data becomes  unchangeable.   a blacklist of doctors  who violated the
        authorities and other relevant institutions   The decentralized database delivers a high   standards of the profession, in addition to
        to create a  single digital platform with   security level, in addition to an encryption   building  a  register of medicines  licensed
        an access to the portfolio of health   feature to verify the authenticity  and   and other features that  contribute  to
        professionals. “The sophisticated platform   reliability of transactions,  as  data  cannot   improving the digital  healthcare  system”,
        comes in line with the ministry’s strategy   be  deleted,  modified  or  lost.  “It  will  also   Mubaraka Ibrahim concluded.

        Omantel Welcomes Entry of Third Mobile Operator

        Oman   Telecommunications  Company   of the country’s telecommunications   “Entry of the third mobile  operator  will
        (Omantel) has welcomed the entry of the   market,’ Vodafone said in a statement. In   contribute  to offering  wider choices  to
        third mobile  operator to the sultanate   a  press  statement released by  Omantel,   customers, a key focus area that has been
        saying it  will  provide more  choices   its chief executive officer Talal al Mamari   given utmost priority by Omantel since its
        to consumers.  The global telecom    welcomed the step taken by Oman Future   launch,” the statement quoted Mamari as
        giant Vodafone  announced  a  strategic   Telecom to sign a partnership agreement   saying.  Industry  experts  believe that  the
        partnership agreement with Oman Future   with Vodafone and the expected launch of   entry of the  third operator  in the  country
        Telecommunications  (OFT)  to  enter the   the third mobile operator service next year.   could provide more choices to consumers
        sultanate’s  telecom  market.  ‘Under the   Mamari reiterated Omantel’s commitment   and it  will  also  result in increased
        non-equity  agreement,  both companies   to support the development of the telecom   competition  among telecom  companies
        will work together to roll out a new mobile   sector in the sultanate by offering its robust   thus putting additional pressure on
        network and develop  a  number  of new   and widespread infrastructure as well as   margins of telecom companies.
        services using the Vodafone brand in Oman   capacities through  Omantel’s  extensive
        to drive the next stage in the development   international network of submarine cables.

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