Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 90


                                                                                 On   the  other  hand,  the  security
                                                                                 vulnerabilities (privacy, sabotage, denial of
                                                                                 service) with the constant hacking of high-
                                                                                 profile targets keeps this danger constantly
                                                                                 in the back of our minds. For instance, the
                                                                                 significances  of  sabotage  could  be  far
                                                                                 more thoughtful  than a compromise  of
                                                                                 privacy. For instance, altering the mix ratio
                                                                                 of decontaminators at  a water treatment
                                                                                 plant or stopping the climatization
                                                                                 system  at  a  nuclear power plant  could
                                                                                 theoretically place a whole city in instant
                                                                                 hazard. Additionally, the determinism
                                                                                 of  the network, the lack  of  a  common
                                                                                 standardization  and  the  continuous
                                                                                 fragmentation  in the implementation of
                                                                                 IoT  will  decrease  the value and  increase
                                                                                 the cost to the end users.
                                                                                 However, even while facing a  reasonable
                                                                                 amount of challenges in the implementation
                                                                                 and adoption of the Internet of Things in
                                                                                 many of our life’s aspects, the solution is
                                                                                 around to stay. Most of the technical and
                                                                                 hypothetical problematic will be surely be
        is  also  diverse from a  connectivity   Therefore, it relies on programming codes   resolved within the next few years; but it
        perspective. The variety of connectivity   and developing software that address such   is the corporation that will come up with
        solutions,  including cellular, satellite and   a delicate situation. In addition, one of the   a  generic framework and persuasive
        private networks  enables  providers to   numerous issues that the Regulatory faces   business model on how to implement and
        address  diverse  and evolving customer   are the legal matters. This applies mainly   monetize the  Internet  of Things that will
        requirements, across a wide range of uses   to  the banking and insurance  sectors,   possess the goose that  lays  the golden
        in different vertical sectors.       medical  and pharmaceutical  industries,   eggs.
                                             infrastructure  and   manufacturing
        Yet, the use of the IoT does not stop at   equipment,  and  in particular all  food
        homes,  cities or  information. However,  it   related equipment.
        also applies for transport and many other
        sectors. Intelligent transport  systems
        targeting  both  human  beings  and goods
        use IoT sensors since intelligent vehicles
        assist drivers in anticipating maintenance
        problems,  accidents,  find  parking  spots,
        etc. while it also expends to include trains,
        planes, ships and heavy vehicles. The aim
        is to manage the supply chain and handle
        logistics and security while increasing
        engine  performance and durability.  Many
        companies  have already joined this
        trend, which makes  their infrastructure
        more complex  and development  more

        The application of the Internet of Things
        leads to  a  hyper-connected  world over
        which security is a major concern, it is an
        important challenge to keep it under control
        as well as create routes for its protection.

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