Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 96
Speedcast Awarded Contract from Oil and Gas Customer in Iraq
Speedcast International was awarded a new multi-year contract
with an oil and gas engineering services customer for fully
managed internet services and IT support across the company’s
base in Iraq. This company is an existing customer of Speedcast
in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) that, with this new
contract, is extending the scope of services that Speedcast will
deliver. This new solution will supply the main base camp in
Basra, Iraq with fiber internet and backup. “This customer is a
global leader in the delivery of engineering and technical services,
and this contract is a great opportunity to support growth
initiatives beyond the rigs,” says Speedcast’s EVP of Energy,
Keith Johnson. “It’s another example of the fact that Speedcast
provides solutions that go beyond standard satellite bandwidth
and network management. We listen to our customers’ needs and
deliver what they require, in this case, fiber and IT services for
infrastructure support.”
DICT Seeks to Activate Satellite Slots
The Department of Information and be addressed and nobody will be left the country might expect the satellites to be
Communications Technology (DICT) is behind… a sovereign broadband satellite… operational in three years. The utilization
seeking to utilize two sovereign satellite something we have not used for several of these satellite slots will be in line of
slots for surveillance and increased administrations, is proposed to connect President Rodrigo Duterte’s mandate to
connectivity. In his speech, titled communities in hard-to-reach islands have emergency communication systems,
“Innovative Philippines: Transforming and inaccessible mountainous areas…” he he added. Honasan said once the satellites
Barriers to Productivity, Transparency and said. Honasan, who is a former senator, were up and running, they would serve as
Inclusive Growth Information” in Makati told reporters the DICT was asking for a backups if inland network infrastructure
City, Information Secretary Gregorio budget from the government to activate the failed to provide connection. “All of these
Honasan 2nd said the government must two slots maintained by the International will work synergistically to make internet
also bank on the unused broadband Telecommunication Union (ITU). He, connectivity accessible, affordable and
satellite slots allotted for the Philippines to however, refused to disclose the proposed faster to help provide quality public service
improve network connectivity. “Ultimately, amount for the project. The DICT chief to people and uplift the standards of living
to ensure that gaps in network will noted if the DICT secured an investment, …” Honasan said.
Thailand to Sell Satellite Orbital Slots
Thailand’s telecoms regulator has country’s Digital Economy and Society Thanapant Raicharoen, the NBTC’s
announced that it plans to begin awarding (DE) Ministry to quickly draft regulations deputy-director, said awarding licenses
licenses for the use of satellite orbit in connection with possessing satellites for the use of orbital slots 119.5 and 78.5
slots, currently used by existing satellites and ground-based teleports by next year East will be done by a “beauty contest”
Thaicom 4 (or iPSTAR), 5 and 6, by early to ensure a smooth transition before method, whereby the qualifications and
next year “to ensure orderly transfer Thaicom’s concessions expire. According competitiveness of the bidders will be
of concessions that expire in 2021”. to amended NBTC laws, which came into taken into account in addition to bid prices.
Thaicom 4 operates from the orbital slot at effect last year, the NBTC is the sole agency The three Thaicom satellites are operated
119.5 East and Thaicom 5 and 6 are co- governing all related satellite businesses under a revenue sharing agreement with
located at 78.5 East. Thailand’s National in the country, including arranging orbital the government where a royalty of 5.75 per
Broadcasting and Telecommunications slots in collaboration with the International cent is handed over in addition to a 20.5
Commission (NBTC) also urged the Telecommunication Union. Air Marshall percent revenue share.