Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 98


        CNT and Movistar Roaming Deal to Boost LTE Coverage in 18 Provinces

        Ecuadorian   state-owned    operator  (Esmeraldas, Manabi, Los Rios and El Oro),   tariff infrastructure sharing  agreement,
        Corporacion  Nacional de Telecomu-   34 in the  mountains (Carchi,  Pichincha,   which  seeks to optimize investment  by
        nicaciones (CNT) and Telefonica’s Movistar   Cotopaxi,  Tungurahua,  Chimborazo,  companies  for  the  benefit  of  rural  areas
        Ecuador  have concluded  an Automatic   Bolivar, Canar, Azuay and Loja), and twelve   of the country, promoting  continuous
        National Roaming  agreement  to provide   in the Amazon (Sucumbios,  Orellana,   innovation in the  offer of services  and
        customers in 18 provinces with greater 4G   Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe),   networks,  with the aim of satisfying the
        LTE coverage. Within the framework of the   while Telefonica  Movistar  will  provide   needs  of society.’  Luis Bentuil,  CEO  of
        government’s Digital Ecuador  strategy to   access to  26  antennas on the coast   Telefonica  Movistar  Ecuador, added:  ‘The
        boost connectivity, the two operators have   (Esmeraldas, Manabi and Guayas) and   agreement will generate more inclusion in
        agreed to share access to 94 cell sites (59   nine  in the mountains  (Pichincha, Santo   the Ecuadorian population. We are proud to
        owned by CNT and 35 by Movistar) in order   Domingo de los Tsachilas and Cotopaxi).   reinforce this type of alliance with CNT as
        to increase 4G coverage and future access   Commenting  on the agreement,  Martha   an efficient alternative to have sustainable
        to 5G services. CNT will  share 13 base   Moncayo, General  Manager of CNT said:   networks in Ecuador.’
        transceiver stations (BTS) in coastal areas   ‘This inter-institutional effort is part of the

        Azerbaijan to Join Single Roaming Area

        Azerbaijan has  joined the initiative  to   Ukraine and Armenia,  reports Trend   Agreement is expected to be signed in the
        create a single roaming area with the other   citing  Elmir  Velizade,  Deputy  Minister  of   autumn and take effect on 1 January 2022,
        countries of the Eastern Partnership with   Transport, Communications  and High   with roaming costs set to be reduced  by
        the EU, namely Belarus, Georgia, Moldova,   Technologies.  The  Regional  Roaming   87% by 2026 under the proposed glidepath.

        CRTC Announced a Number of Retail and Wholesale Measures

        The   Canadian  Radio-television  and  certain conditions. Wholesale rates will be   Canada (CNOC), which represents more
        Telecommunications  Commission (CRTC)   negotiated  between providers, while  the   than 30  competitive telecoms  providers
        has announced  a number  of retail and   terms and conditions  will  be established   across Canada, has issued a press release
        wholesale measures which it  hopes  will   by the  CRTC. This arrangement will be   asserting: ‘Without the flexibility afforded
        ‘spur more mobile wireless competition   mandated  for a period  of seven  years   through  a  full  MVNO  model,  independent
        for  Canadians’.  In  terms  of  MVNO   from the date it is finalized, which will give   carriers  are not set up to innovate on
        access, the watchdog  will  require Bell   regional  carriers  time and incentive to   services and pricing. We’ve long advocated
        Mobility,  Rogers  and Telus, as  well  as   expand  their wireless networks.  Perhaps   for fairness and  choice  for Canadians to
        SaskTel (Saskatchewan  only),  to provide   unsurprisingly, the CRTC’s  decision has   help  the country  catch up to the global
        wholesale  access to regional wireless   attracted condemnation,  with critics   telecom  landscape.  Unfortunately,  this
        providers that  have  invested in  network   saying the guidelines do not go far enough.   decision sends us in the opposite direction
        infrastructure and spectrum,  albeit  under   The  Competitive Network Operators of   and is simply bad for Canadians.’

        Commerce Commission Maintains Regulation of Three Wholesale Services

        New  Zealand’s  Commerce Commission   PSTN, and co-location on cellular mobile   Tristan  Gilbertson, adding:  ‘As markets
        has announced  it will retain regulation   transmission sites.  ‘After consulting   evolve,  new retail services  are developed
        for three wholesale telecom  services to   with  the  sector,  and interested parties,   and wholesale service providers can face
        continue  to promote  competition  and   our view is  that  these services  continue   increased competition to an extent that it
        protect consumers.  The three wholesale   to play an important role  in the market   may  no longer  be necessary  to  mandate
        services under  review  were number   and should remain regulated  for now,’   access, but we are not yet at this point for
        portability,  interconnection  with  a  fixed   said Telecommunications  Commissioner   these particular services.’

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