Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 114


                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        ITU And  UNDP Join  Forces  to  Address  Urgent  Unmet  Capacity  Building


        The rise of digital technologies and ways
        of  working offers  extraordinary  new
        opportunities to further global sustainable
        development and achieving the Sustainable
        Development  Goals, from increasing
        economic  resilience  to mitigating the
        damage  of  COVID-19  and  delivering
        more effective public  services.  Yet not
        everyone is equally able to take advantage
        of these  opportunities,  particularly as
        the rapid pace  of digital change places
        further demands on resource-constrained
        governments  and societies. Bridging  the
        world's digital divide is increasingly urgent,
        as  those who left out of today's  digital
        transformation  are in danger  of falling
        further behind. This means ensuring that
        digital services are available everywhere,   in-Charge  at  the  UN  Office  of  the  Envoy   to drive digital capacity development, and
        as well as affordable and accessible to all.   on Technology.  "The Joint Facility  will   intends  to have  a  new single  structure
        To address this key issue, the International   further strengthen  our collective effort to   facilitating joint resourcing,  roles,  and
        Telecommunication  Union  (ITU) and the   equip people with the needed digital skills,   responsibilities. Through its Development
        United Nations  Development  Program   literacy and capabilities,  alongside  with   Sector, ITU provides direct assistance and
        (UNDP) have launched a Joint Facility for   the multi-stakeholder  network for digital   capacity development initiatives to bridge
        Digital Capacity Development  to support   capacity development  envisioned  in  the   the digital divide, promote digital inclusion
        those  not currently served by existing   roadmap." The Joint Facility aims to:  and facilitate digital transformation for all.
        digital capacity  development  resources   •  direct stakeholders to relevant existing   "Making  adequate  capacity development
        or  channels.  The  Joint Facility  stands  in   ITU/UNDP  resources,  including  digital   tools available to all is more important than
        support  of the UN  Secretary-General's   literacy and skills training;  ever to bridge the digital divide and connect
        Roadmap  for Digital Cooperation,  which   •  identify areas  of unmet demand  for   half of the  world's population that are
        calls for "a broad multi-stakeholder network   digital capacity development initiatives   still  offline,"  said Doreen  Bogdan-Martin,
        to promote  holistic,  inclusive approaches   and work with end users to develop new   Director  of ITU's  Telecommunication
        to digital capacity-building for sustainable   interventions when needed;  Development  Bureau. "There are many
        development, including a new joint facility   •  identify patterns and trends in  unmet   aspects to developing  digital skills  apart
        for digital capacity development,  which   stakeholder needs; and        from the actual training. Through the Joint
        will be led by ITU and UNDP." People and   •  direct  strategic,  operational,  and  Facility, we will be able to assist countries
        communities  currently underserved in   programmatic support  in  executing   across the digital skills development value
        terms of digital capacity will benefit from   digital strategies, capacity development   chain from assessing digital capacity
        more efficient and effective support from   initiatives,  or  other  high-priority  needs,  advising  on  digital strategies,  and
        the ITU/UNDP Joint Facility, which aims to   operational areas for partners.  even helping with procurement and raising
        make digital opportunities accessible  to   Digital  capacity must  be strengthened   funds  for digital  development.  We are
        all.  "Robust  and  effective digital  capacity   on both the local and international levels   incredibly  excited to work together  with
        building  underlines  the  fulfilment  of  the   to  enable  inclusive digital  and  societal   the UNDP  towards this."  UNDP's wide
        Secretary-General's  Roadmap for Digital   transformation. While governments are   field presence and topic expertise will help
        Cooperation,  by  supporting countries  in   the main target  audience,  other groups   match key local context to relevant digital
        their efforts  to  harness the full  potential   requiring digital capacity support will also   solutions.  "The  lack  of  sufficient  digital
        of digital technology as part of their digital   benefit  from  the  services  offered  by  the   skills  is  a  major  barrier to reaping the
        futures", said Assistant Secretary-General   Joint Facility.  The Joint Facility  cements   benefits of digitalization and threatens to
        Maria  Francesca  Spatolisano,  Officer-  the  partnership  between  ITU and  UNDP   leave the most marginalized behind," said

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