Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 117


        Belgian Consultation Committee Approves Draft Law for 5G Auction

        The Belgian Consultation  Committee,   The  Consultation  Committee  is expected   and Europe,  because  the deployment of
        which brings  together  representatives   to  make  a  final  decision  at  another   5G also has a direct effect on the Belgian
        from the country’s  federal and regional   meeting  before the summer  recess. As   recovery plan after the coronavirus crisis,’
        governments,  has   approved   draft  previously reported by TeleGeography’s   she said.  ‘The importance is  therefore
        legislation that would enable the country’s   CommsUpdate, B2B wireless connectivity   enormous both for our companies and for
        long-delayed 5G  spectrum  auction to  be   provider  Citymesh  announced  last  our consumers.’ Belgium’s plans for a 5G
        staged in early 2022, reports Le Soir. The   week  that  it  plans  to  apply  for the entire   spectrum auction have been at an impasse
        royal decrees will now be put to a vote in   spectrum  package reserved for  a  fourth   for years due to a disagreement between
        parliament and then submitted to the State   operator  in  the  auction,  confirming  its   federal and  regional governments  over
        Council for consultation. The draft leaves   ambition to compete  in the consumer   how to distribute the  revenue  raised by
        room for a fourth mobile network operator   market. Commenting  on  the  latest   the auction, which could  yield more than
        in the market but no decision has yet been   development,  Minister Petra De Sutter   EUR800 million (USD975.5 million). Under
        taken about whether to reserve spectrum   expressed her satisfaction  that  progress   the minister’s  proposal, the funds will
        for a  new entrant, a  spokesperson for   has been made concerning the 5G auction.   be held in  escrow  until the regions have
        Telecom  Minister Petra De Sutter  said.   ‘This is an important issue for our country   reached an agreement.

        ComCom  Consults  on  Price-Quality  Regulations  for Chorus,  Disclosure

        Requirements for Fiber Companies

        New  Zealand’s  Commerce Commission has  released for   cap is  around  4% lower than proposed  by  Chorus  across  the
        consultation its draft view on the maximum revenues wholesale   period. The Commission’s draft decisions include the expenditure
        fixed  line  provider  Chorus  should  be  able  to  earn  from  its  fiber   that  Chorus  can recover over the regulatory  period. Following
        network over the first three years of the new regulatory regime   scrutiny, the Commission proposes to reduce Chorus’ expenditure
        that  takes effect from 1  January  2022  and the minimum   allowance across the period by NZD210 million (in real dollars), a
        quality  standards  Chorus should meet.  Telecommunications   14% reduction on Chorus’ proposal. However, Chorus may re-apply
        Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson said the estimated price-quality   for some categories of expenditure included in this reduction via
        path would cap Chorus revenues for three years from 1 January   another mechanism. The Commission has also outlined its draft
        2022  at  NZD689 million (USD502.2  million)  in 2022, rising to   decisions on information disclosure requirements for Chorus and
        NZD786 million in 2024, in line with forecast demand. The revenue   the three other regulated companies that operate fiber networks
                                                               in the country – Enable Networks, Northpower Fiber and Ultrafast
                                                               Fiber.  In  addition,  the Commission  has proposed  some limited
                                                               amendments to the Input Methodologies – the upfront framework
                                                               of rules that underpin the regime. These amendments are intended
                                                               to enable the effective implementation of the Commission’s draft
                                                               decisions or to enhance certainty about the rules, requirements
                                                               and processes that  apply to  price-quality paths and the ID
                                                               requirements. The Commission  is  separately consulting  on the
                                                               initial value of Chorus’ fiber network at the start of the regulatory
                                                               period, or what is referred to as its regulatory asset base (RAB).
                                                               Submission can be made until 8 July.

        Dutch Operators Receive Government Directives on Network Vendor Choice

        The Netherlands’  government  has issued   KPN,  T-Mobile  and  VodafoneZiggo  are   prevented from supplying 5G core network
        orders  to the nation’s mobile network   strictly  prohibited  from revealing any   technology to Dutch MNOs, while a Huawei
        operators  (MNOs)  regarding  choice  details of the orders. Various news outlets   spokesperson  confirmed  to  Financieele
        of network suppliers,  the Ministry of   including  reported  Dagblad  that ‘We do not supply  5G core
        Economic Affairs has confirmed, although   assumptions  that China’s Huawei is now   equipment in the Netherlands.’

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