Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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        Robert  Opp,  UNDP's  Chief  Digital  Officer.   that  we  can all  take advantage  of digital   agencies, the Joint Facility also paves the
        "The UNDP is proactively investing in the   opportunities together." While building on   way  for  wider, longer-term  collaboration
        key  area  of digital  capacity building  so   existing collaboration between the two   between the UNDP and ITU.

        Innovation is Key to Digital Development, note Arab Policy Makers ahead of

        World Telecommunication Development Conference

                                                                                 years 2022-2025.  Noting the increasing
                                                                                 importance of digital innovation, delegates
                                                                                 at RPM Arab States made use of the
                                                                                 International Centre  of Digital  Innovation
                                                                                 (I-CoDI), co-funded by ITU and the United
                                                                                 Arab Emirates, to formulate their regional
                                                                                 priorities  ahead of WTDC-21. “This
                                                                                 Regional  Preparatory Meeting  coincides
                                                                                 with the 30th anniversary of the ITU Arab
                                                                                 Regional Office," noted Adel Darwish, ITU
                                                                                 Regional  Director for Arab States.  “The
                                                                                 meeting  also  comes at  a  unique time
                                                                                 as  we set the regional  priorities  for the
                                                                                 Arab region,  taking into account digital
                                                                                 and development trends caused by many
                                                                                 factors, including the pandemic."

                                                                                 Digital Trends in Arab States 2021
                                                                                 Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic
        The  fourth of six regional  preparatory   step forward with the recent launch of the   has  intensified  the  region's  digital  divide.
        meetings  for the ITU  World Telecom-  Hope – or 'Al Amal' – probe to Mars, led   Some 195 million people in the Arab States,
        munication  Development  Conference  by the  United  Arab Emirates, she  added.   or 45.4%% of the  region's population,
        (WTDC-21), held on 7 and 8 April, brought   “The Mars  mission represents the Arab   remain unable  to connect  reliably to
        policymakers and experts  together  to   world's first venture into space. It confirms   the  Internet,  which  is essential to make
        take stock of digital challenges and   the region's arrival on the world stage as   meaningful use of current information and
        opportunities in  across  the Arab region.   a leading pioneer in science and technol-  communication  technologies  (ICTs). A
        WTDC-21, set to take place in Addis Ababa,   ogy, as well as commitment to ever-clos-  report released at the preparatory meeting,
        Ethiopia, between  8 and 19  November   er engagement  and collaboration  with   Digital Trends in Arab States 2021, noted
        2021, aims  to highlight  innovative   the broader international community."   steady progress, prior to the COVID crisis,
        approaches,  encourage  new models  of   Mansour S.  Alqurashi,  General  Manag-  on key indicators  such  as  household
        collaboration,  and promote  connectivity   er  for  International  Affairs  at  Saudi  Ara-  connectivity.  At-home  Internet access
        and digital  solutions, particularly  in this   bia's Communications and Information   grew from an estimated 52% of households
        final  Decade  of  Action  to  achieve  the   Tech-nology  Commission,  and RPM  Arab   in 2017 to almost 60% by the end of 2019,
        Sustainable Development  Goals  (SDGs)   States Chair, said: “Innovation is key to our   the report says. Yet the urban-rural divide
        adopted  by the United Nations. Held   work and central to the  advancement  of   persists, with 74% of urban households
        virtually, the Regional Preparatory Meeting   digital development. For this reason, Arab   connected, as opposed to just 38% of rural
        (RPM)  for Arab States gathered  113   countries will focus on innovative thinking   dwellings. There is  a  persistent  gender
        delegates  from 17  countries  to ensure   and co-creation, as  we continue to work   gap across the region,  with 61% of men
        regional coordination ahead of WTDC-21.   closely  to  finalize  the  proposed  regional   using the Internet, compared to only 47%
        “WTDC-21  comes  at  a  defining  moment   priorities  to be presented  for adoption  at   of women,  while women's connectivity  in
        for the world and for ITU's place in it," said   WTDC-21."               poorer Arab  nations  remains chronically
        Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the ITU                                low. Mobile phone coverage has expanded
        Telecommunication Development Bureau.   Setting regional priorities      rapidly,  with  95% of individuals  in  the
        “It  also comes  at a time of enormous   As WTDC-21 aims to provide direction and   region  now covered by  a  mobile network
        transformation for the Arab region, which   guidance  to the  ITU Telecommunication   and more than 90% within reach  of a  3G
        is  already home  to some of the world's   Development Sector (ITU-D) over the next   signal. Affordability, however, remains a
        most connected  and technologically  ad-  four years, participants at RPM Arab States   major barrier to uptake of digital  devices
        vanced  nations." The  region  took a bold   discussed  regional  ICT  priorities for the   and services, ITU data shows.

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