Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 122


        Germany Sees Cybercrime Jump as Work Shifts Online in Pandemic

        The  push for digitalization caused  by the  pandemic  is seen  as   for criminals. Insecure IT systems in particular offer a welcome
        a driver of the  increased  cybercrime  rate as criminals taking   gateway for hackers, as the recent breach of internal email traffic
        advantage of the massive shift towards remote work. Germany’s   at  the US Treasury  and Commerce departments known as  the
        shift towards digitalization due  to the  coronavirus pandemic   SolarWinds hack revealed. Germany has already started to tackle
        has  come  with  a  significant  rise  in  cybercrime,  according  to  a   the issue. Last Friday (7 May), parliament approved a IT Security
        report  by  the  country’s  Federal  Criminal  Police  Office  (BKA).    Act 2.0. The new law extends reporting obligations and standards
        Recorded cases of cybercrime jumped by 8% in 2020, according   already applicable  to operators of critical infrastructure to
        to  the BKA’s  Situation Report  for Cybercrime 2020  published   companies operating in the public interest. It also reinforces the
        on Monday  (10  May). Last  year’s increase follows a  15% jump   mandate of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), which
        in cases in 2019 over the previous year. The number of solved   in future will be able to set binding standards for federal authorities
        cases  fell by 7.4% over two years to 32.6% in 2020.  The  push   and monitor their compliance with such standards. “The BSI is to
        for digitalization caused by the pandemic is seen as a driver of   form a third pillar of our cybersecurity architecture alongside the
        the increased cybercrime rate as criminals taking advantage of   Federal Criminal Police Office and the Office for the Protection of
        the massive shift towards remote work. The report highlights an   the Constitution,” said Ziemiak. The BSI has also been tasked with
        increasing professionalization of criminals in the cyber economy   developing a seal of quality that will make it clear to consumers
        with  “services” offered on corresponding  online  marketplaces.   which products meet certain security standards and which are to
        Spam services can be purchased  for as  little as  10 euro cents   be classified as insecure. “Today is a good day for cybersecurity in
        while banking Trojans can cost around €800. German companies   Germany,” commented Interior Minister Horst Seehofer following
        are among the worst hit. Every fourth to fifth German company   the approval  of the law.  “Digitalization permeates  all  areas of
        with more than 500 employees has fallen victim to a ransomware   life, and the pandemic has once again accelerated this process
        attack.  This involves data being  stolen  or encrypted  until the   enormously. Our protection mechanisms and defence strategies
        injured party pays a ransom. According to a study by the country’s   must keep pace – this is exactly what the IT Security Act 2.0 is
        interior ministry,  more  than  half  of  all  German companies  said   designed to do,” he added.
        their business would be under threat if sensitive data were lost
        or transmitted to their competition. The cybercrime rate may be
        larger  than it  initially  seems. A study by the economy  ministry
        suggests that only around 12% of all cyberattacks on companies
        are not reported for fear of loss of reputation. “Cyberattacks are
        one of the greatest dangers of this time,” secretary general of the
        ruling Christian Democrats (CDU), Paul Ziemiak, wrote on Twitter.
        “Our country needs a digital security architecture that defends us
        robustly against cyber attacks. We see it as the core task of the
        state to ensure security in the digital world as well,” he said. Digital
        innovations should be used as a tool for environmental protection
        and climate action, but we must act now, Germany’s minister for
        the environment, Svenja Schulze, told EURACTIV in an interview.
        Large companies, critical infrastructure and public institutions are
        particularly at risk, according to the BKA report. The more essential
        the service is for society, the more lucrative cyberattacks are

        France Opens Consultation on Cost of 5G Spectrum in Reunion, Mayotte

        Cedric  O, France’s  Secretary  of State   Reunion  Island  and Mayotte.  The public   during  the auction phase  at  zero euros,
        for Digital Transition and Electronic   consultation,  scheduled  to run until 20   while also capping the level of  royalties.
        Communications,  Sebastien  Lecornu,  May 2021, aims to collect  opinions  on   The government  is  aiming to launch  the
        Minister of Overseas Territories,  and   the  financial  terms  envisaged  for  the   procedure for the allocation of 5G spectrum
        Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Public Action   allocation of airwaves in the 700MHz and   ‘by the end of the spring’ in order to allow
        and Accounts, have published a new public   3.5GHz  bands. The  government  plans to   for a commercial launch of 5G in Reunion
        consultation on the financial terms for the   strictly  limit  the  financial  contributions   and Mayotte by the beginning of next year.
        allocation  of 5G-suitable  frequencies  in   of operators by  setting the minimum
        the  French  Overseas  Territories  (FOT)  of   price  for the allocation  of frequencies

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