Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 126


        NITA Uganda to Merge with Uganda Communications Commission

        The National  Information Technology   no duplication  with existing  ministries.   of the biggest taxpayers in the country.
        Authority  Uganda (NITA-U), might be   This would give the UCC  responsibility   Alternatively, the NBI could be transferred
        abolished  or  merged with  the  Uganda   for major projects such  as  the National   to be  managed by Uganda Telecom
        Communications  Commission (UCC), in   Backbone  Infrastructure (NBI) scheme.   Limited (UTL)  under  the supervision of
        a  move to merge government  agencies   According  to a  report  by  Techjaja  while   MoICT.  But at the  end  of the  day, this is
        and authorities  whose roles seem to   the government recommended for NITA-U   still on paper and may not be implemented
        be duplicated.  Local media reports   to  be restructured into a  department   any time soon. Meanwhile,  the Ugandan
        quoting  government  sources said that   under  the  Ministry  of  Information,  government said that it has introduced a
        the  plan  follows  recommendations  Communications Technology and National   12% tax on internet data, potentially hiking
        from the government  and a  separate   Guidance (MoICT), the independent review   prices for online access in the East African
        review team concerning  government   team for it to be completely abolished and   country where consumers  are already
        agencies,  commission authorities, and   merged with UCC which will be retained as   paying some of the world's highest internet
        public expenditure  to  ensure  there is   an autonomous body as it regulates some   costs.

        DITRDC Proposes Spectrum Limits for Sub-1GHz Spectrum

        With  the Australian Communications   ahead of which the DITRDC issued a   of sub-1GHz  spectrum  under  spectrum
        and Media  Authority (ACMA) planning   press release confirming it is considering   licenses. The draft  direction  would also
        to auction  spectrum  in the 850MHz  and   whether  to  direct the communications   set aside spectrum  for Optus and TPG
        900MHz bands in late 2021, the Department   regulator to impose allocation limits with   Telecom  in the 900MHz  band to support
        of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional   a  view to supporting the government’s   service continuity.  The DITRDC said  it  is
        Development   and    Communications  communication  policy objectives.  To   now seeking stakeholder views on whether
        (DITRDC) is seeking feedback on a draft of   that  end,  the DITRDC has  prepared an   the direction ‘will operate effectively with
        an allocation limits direction ahead of the   ‘exposure draft direction’  that  would   ACMA’s proposed allocation procedures.
        sale process. ACMA will soon consult on   require  ACMA  to  impose limits  such that
        its allocation instruments for the auction,   no person  could  use more than  82MHz

        Germany Boosts 5G Project Funding

        Germany made a step towards accelerating the development
        of 5G services in the country, pouring additional investments
        into backing domestic endeavors. In a statement, the Federal
        Ministry  of  Transport  and  Digital  Infrastructure  (BMVI)
        revealed 48  consortia  stood to  receive  funding  of  up to  €4
        million per project, as  part  of  a  program unveiled in  2019
        seeking to support 5G projects. The funding is intended for
        local authorities  to develop  5G-enabled  services in areas
        including  agriculture, health, education  and administration.
        German  Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
        Andreas Scheuer  described  the move as  a  boost  for the
        mobile  communications  sector in the  country, while  hailing
        the potential of new applications  and services to reduce
        costs and carbon emissions. The next-generation technology
        “creates  completely  new possibilities in  everyday  life  and
        on  site”,  he  added.  BMVI  selected  the  initial  ten  projects  in
        January, providing a total of €38 million towards developing a
        range of services employing 5G.

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