Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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        GCRA Issues Infringement Proceedings Against JT and Sure

        A  provisional  finding  by  the  Guernsey   has now published its latest findings. In a   by fair and open competition but through
        Competition  and Regulatory Authority   press release, Guernsey’s regulatory body   a  secret  anti-competitive arrangement’.
        (GCRA)  has claimed that mobile network   alleged  that Sure and JT had colluded   Further,  the GCRA added that  it  had
        operators  (MNOs) Sure and JT have   by  sharing commercial  information and   provisionally  concluded  that  collusion
        infringed  the Bailiwick’s competition  law   agreeing secretly that JT would pull out of   took place  through  a ‘coordinated
        by  entering into  an  agreement  that  had   operating existing 4G and future 5G mobile   exchange of information between JT and
        the object of preventing competition. With   networks  in Guernsey, in return for Sure   Sure over more than a  year’.  Both MNOs
        the former pan-Island regulatory authority   doing the same in Jersey. This agreement   have now been given the chance to make
        –  the  Channel  Islands  Competition  and   to  trade mobile network infrastructure,   representations  to the GCRA  before it
        Regulatory  Authorities  (CICRA)  –  having   the GCRA claimed, would have given each   issues a final decision on the matter, with a
        issued a  draft  decision  regarding the   of JT and Sure a far stronger position as   deadline of 18 June 2021 set for the duo to
        matter  back  in January  2020,  the GCRA   MNOs  in their home  Island ‘achieved not   make their submissions.

        NBTC and TRC Conduct a Bilateral Meeting

        Office  of  the  National  Broadcasting
        and Telecommunications  Commission
        hosted  the 3rd Bilateral  Meeting with
        Telecommunication    Regulator   of
        Cambodia (TRC) in virtual meeting format
        with an aim to enhance telecommunication
        sector  development and coordinating
        frequency  usages  in ASEAN  region.  On
        19  April  2021,  Office  of  the  National
        Broadcasting  and Telecommunications
        Commission  (Office  of  the  NBTC)  hosted
        the  3rd  Bilateral  Meeting  between  Office
        of the NBTC and TRC, Cambodia where the
        meeting aimed to strengthen cooperation
        between  the  two   organizations  in
        reference to an MoU signed on 24 August
        2015.  Despite  the Covid-19 pandemic,
        Office  of  the  NBTC  and  TRC  agreed  to
        hold the 3rd meeting in a virtual meeting
        format in order to continue  their  close
        collaboration.  Honorable  General Sukit
        Khamasundara,  Commissioner  Acting
        Chairman of the NBTC, presided over the   regulatory  and policy environments  of   OTT (Over-The-Top) initiatives in ASEAN.
        opening ceremony and delivered welcome   both  organizations, discuss  regulatory   The collaboration  between  the two
        remarks. This was followed by reciprocal   challenges,  lay  out ways  forward  for   organizations will  enhance  both  parties’
        remarks by H.E. Chenda Thong, Chairman   bilateral cooperation over the coming five   regulatory  efforts  and improve the
        of TRC, Cambodia. Mr. Trairat Viriyasirikul,   years, and strengthen partnerships in other   landscapes of  their telecommunication
        Deputy Secretary General Acting Secretary   international  forums. TRC is interested   regimes,  leading  to high  standards and
        General was assigned to chair the meeting   in the 5G auction in Thailand, one of key   efficiency in delivering telecommunication
        and head the Thai delegation.  H.E.   milestones  in the country's  development,   services for citizens of both countries.
        Kimsann Srun, TRC commissioner, headed   as well as numbering portability services.   Office  of  the  NBTC  aims  to  develop  and
        the  Cambodian  delegation.  Also present   Office of the NBTC shared information on   enhance  collaboration  between  the two
        were Mr.  Sutisak  Tantayotin, Deputy   regulating spectrum management, current   countries  in  terms of telecommunication
        Secretary General of Telecommunications   telecommunication  market  regulatory  services and coordinating  frequency
        Cluster and executives from both sides.   trends, and telecommunications licensing   usage in ASEAN, as ways to significantly
        The  objectives of the meeting  were   procedures  in  Thailand.  Office  of  the   strengthen  relationship  between  the two
        to exchange  information  about the   NBTC and TRC agreed  to push forward   organizations.

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