Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 132



        BPS Services for Telecom Industry

        The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world in an unprecedented
        manner;  this has triggered  a severe slowdown  in economic
        activities across almost all industry verticals. We can expect the
        pandemic  to slow  down over the short  term; we all  know that
        its  after  effects  are here to stay  for much longer.    With  major
        shutdowns all over the globe, forcing everybody to stay indoors;
        the work, connect & study from home models have given a big
        boost to the telecom industry. This industry  today is as important
        as other essential services like power, water etc.
           The  total  telecom  revenue  in  MENA is
           expected to grow at a CAGR of 0.4% between
           2020 and 2025, despite the negative impact
           of the COVID-19.

        Despite  all  the  challenges  faced  due  to  COVID-19;  the  current
        situation has also created new opportunities for telecom operators
        to further penetrate critical entities like healthcare, education,
        utilities and many  more.  Furthermore, due  to the innovative
        approach  taken by operators  and the ability  of consumers  to
        utilize and adapt, the usage of telecom services is changing the
        dynamics of the global telecom market including MENA.

        The total telecom revenue in MENA is expected to grow at a CAGR   Prabhjinder Bedi
        of 0.4% between 2020  and 2025, despite  the negative impact   Senior VP, Head of Business, EMEA and APAC
        of the COVID-19.  The operators’ investments in both the fixed
        (mainly fibre) and mobile (both 4G and 5G) markets in the Middle   TechMahindra
        East and North Africa (MENA) will lead to significant growth.

        Embracing the Change
        In this growing but challenging business environment, customer
        service, network quality and cost of service will be the key drivers
        which operators will have to focus on, to reduce subscriber turnover
        and increase market share in an already highly-penetrated  and
        competitive market.

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