Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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Australian MVNO Lycamobile paid a fine of AUD604,800 Dense Air Australia bagged two lots for AUD29 million
($467,413) for failing to provide customer information and Pentanet Limited won four lots with a bid of AUD8
to a database used by emergency services and million. Licenses won at the auction will reportedly
not conducting the required ID checks for signing come into force ‘later this year’, for a 15-year term
Australia up new subscribers. In a statement, the Australian ending in 2036. Commenting on the matter, ACMA
Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) the chairperson Nerida O’Loughlin was cited as saying:
fine formed part of an ongoing effort to maintain the ‘This outcome represents another significant milestone
Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) in the for 5G in Australia. The successful allocation of this
interest of public safety, and follows action against spectrum will support high speed communications
several other operators since 2019. Its investigation services in metropolitan cities and major regional
into Lycamobile found “prolonged and large-scale centers throughout Australia … This auction is one
customer data failures”, with inaccurate details for among a suite of licensing approaches that the ACMA
245,902 subscribers and a failure to adequately verify has introduced in the 26GHz and 28GHz bands to
the ID of 4,207 prepaid customers. The IPND is used encourage a wide range of innovative communications
by police, fire and ambulance services to respond to uses.’ (April 23, 2021)
emergency calls from the public. Lycamobile is also
required to implement changes to its systems and Regional communities will benefit from improved
processes, based on the outcome of an independent connectivity, Australia’s Department of Infrastructure,
audit. ACMA noted it could initiate court proceedings Transport, Regional Development and Communications
if the MVNO fails “to comply with its customer data or (DITRDC) has claimed, following the announcement
prepaid ID check obligations”, with potential penalties that 81 telecommunications infrastructure projects will
of up to AUD250,000 per incident. share in more than AUD90 million (USD69.6 million)
(May 20, 2021) in funding under the ‘Regional Connectivity Program’
(‘RCP’). According to the Australian government, it has
Five companies have secured spectrum in the taken a collaborative approach in delivering the RCP
Australian Communications and Media Authority’s and has engaged with the telecommunications industry
(ACMA’s) auction of frequencies in the 26GHz band, and regional communities ‘to make sure that the
which the regulator noted have been identified as funded projects are tailored to the needs of each region
optimal for the delivery of 5G wireless broadband and are supported by the community’. Investment will
services. Of the 360 lots available in the auction, the reportedly provide targeted uplifts to connectivity in
ACMA confirmed that 358 were sold, realizing a total the regional areas which need it the most, ensuring
revenue of AUD648 million (USD501 million). In terms that more Australians can access high speed, reliable
of the winning bidders, Telstra emerged as both the broadband and mobile services. Grants have been
biggest spender and recipient of the greatest number allocated on a competitive basis across three funding
of lots, having offered AUD277 million for 150 lots. categories, with the total cost of successful projects
Meanwhile, rival operator Optus bid AUD226 million ranging from AUD80,500 for targeted mobile capacity
for a total of 116 lots, while TPG Telecom Limited (via upgrades in small towns to AUD8.75 million for the
Mobile JV Pty Limited) secured 86 lots for AUD108 deployment of large-scale fixed-wireless broadband
million. Rounding out the winners of new spectrum, networks across entire regions.(April 19, 2021)
Full-service provider Magenta Telekom, which was will benefit from our 5G quality leadership in the low
formed in 2019 from the merger of wireless operator frequency bands. This 5G expansion strategy is an
T-Mobile Austria and cableco UPC Austria, has begun ideal addition to our leading gigabit-capable fiber-optic
the rollout of the 700MHz band for 5G services in rural cable networks in metropolitan areas,’ stated Andreas
Austria areas. The first 700MHz 5G location is situated in the Bierwirth, CEO of Magenta Telekom. More than a third
municipality of Seeboden in Carinthia, with hundreds of the Austrian population is currently covered by the
of additional areas set to follow this year. ‘With the firm’s 5G service, which also utilizes the 2100MHz and
excellent frequency configuration, we can offer our 3.7GHz frequency bands.
customers the best 5G quality. Rural areas in particular (May 12, 2021)
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