Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 146


                         The government  has  announced  that  it  is  allocating   over 100Mbps are available for 80% of households
                         EUR1.4 billion (EUR1.7 billion) by 2026 to accelerate the   and 43%  have  gigabit-enabled  connections.  After
                         expansion of high speed broadband services across the   the  new  public  funding  has  been  finalized,  the  new
                         country. The new funds consist of EUR891 million from   funding  guidelines will  be sent for consultation  to
                         the EU’s recovery and resilience fund, a further EUR166   determine  where the money will be  allocated,  before
                         million already earmarked in the current budget, as well   the guidelines are sent to the EU for notification. At the
                         as EUR389 million generated from the 2019 and 2020   same time, work is being done on an amendment to the
                         spectrum auctions. At present, almost all of Austria’s   Telecommunications Act to create investment-friendly
                         approximately 3.9  million households  already have a   measures for the private-sector expansion of fixed and
                         basic supply of fixed broadband services, 89% of which   mobile internet services.
                         are faster than 30Mbps, while connection  speeds  of   (April 26, 2021)

                         Telecoms  regulator the Belgian Institute for Postal   and 1Gbps by 2030. ‘Achieving digital transformation,
                         Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) has granted   which is also  part  of the green transition, will  be
                         telecom  operator Citymesh permission  to use its   essential. However, we must ensure that no one is left
                         licenses in the 3.5GHz band across the entire country.   behind,’ stressed Minister De Sutter. ‘For the moment,
        Belgium          The decision follows a request submitted by the B2B   too many of our fellow citizens do not have fast internet.
                         wireless connectivity provider in December 2020 for its   Every  month,  mayors from remote municipalities  or
                         permit to be extended to all Belgian communes except   parliamentarians ask  me questions  about this, and
                         Vresse-sur-Semois,  Bievre,  Gedinne  and  Bouillon,   rightly so, because each of us has the right to access a
                         where the frequencies  have  already been  granted to   quality internet. This is all the more true as in the future
                         sister company  Gridmax.  Citymesh’s  user rights for   teleworking  and remote  learning  will be  increasingly
                         the frequency  block  3430MHz-3450MHz/3530MHz-  common.’ Under the plan, every white zone – estimated
                         3550MHz are valid until 6 May 2025.            to  be  around  2%  of  territory  –  will  be  mapped  as  a
                         (May 10, 2021)                 first step to facilitating the deployment of high speed
                                                                        services, for example by  stimulating  investment by
                         The Federal Council of Ministers officially launched on   operators.  In addition,  a  special government  unit
                         30 April a national plan for fixed and mobile broadband   with responsibility  for implementing  the plan and
                         which aims  to eliminate the remaining ‘white zones’   monitoring progress will be set up, while a ‘Broadband
                         where high speed services are  unavailable.  Telecom   Competence  Office’  will  also  be  established  to  deal
                         Minister Petra De Sutter explained that some 138,000   with  all  relevant  issues relating to  5G  and  support
                         households  are still  unable to  access high speed   implementation  of the  EU  Connectivity Toolbox.  The
                         broadband,  and that  the issue must be addressed  if   government will determine an exact budget for the plan
                         Belgium is  to achieve an EU  target for all  homes  to   at a later date.
                         have access to download speeds of 100Mbps by 2025   (May 5, 2021)

                         The  Ministry  of  Digital  &  Digitalisation  (MND)  has   Benin’s MNO market is currently a duopoly of private
                         launched  a  tender  to  license  a  new mobile network   sector  operators  MTN and Moov, while state-owned
                         operator  (MNO),  open  to foreign companies  with   Beninese  Digital Infrastructure Company  (Societe
                         existing telecoms network operations. Applicants must   Beninoise  d’Infrastructures  Numeriques,  SBIN)
        Benin            have the required technical and financial resources and   has  been  earmarked by  the government  as  a  third
                         not  be  directly  or indirectly  controlled  by an existing   MNO, with Senegal-based Sonatel  chosen  as  SBIN’s
                         licensee. Applications are due by 18 May 2021, subject   management  company  in March  2021 under  a remit
                         to a non-refundable XOF5 million (USD9,100) fees. The   to make SBIN ‘a major GSM operator’ over five years.
                         tender was authorized by a Council of Ministers decision   The  Council  of Ministers decision  which  delegated
                         of 24 March 2021, with an invitation for applications   SBIN’s management  to Sonatel  also authorized  the
                         dated 26  April 2021  subsequently  published  on the   MND to ‘initiate the opening of a procedure for granting
                         website of the Authority for Regulation of  Electronic   a third license for mobile electronic communications
                         Communications & Post (l’Autorite de Regulation des   networks for the benefit of the SBIN’.
                         Communications Electroniques et de la Poste, ARCEP).   (May 6, 2021)

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