Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 140


                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Commission  of Sri Lanka   out that QoS for data/ broadband is ‘expected in the near future’.
        (TRCSL) has identified more than 2,000 ‘dark spots’ on the island   Furthermore, Mr.  Senanayake said that updating  the  country’s
        which have ‘weak signals’, as well as observing that 122 of 152   RTT  rules  –  part  of  which  defines  the  minimum  standards  for
        Grama  Niladari  Divisions (GND) currently do not have (mobile)   mobile phones – the TRCSL hopes to ensure that ‘Sri Lanka will
        broadband coverage. To help redress this – and mindful of its aim   not be a dumping ground for fake and sub – standard devices.
        to introduce fixed number portability (FNP) and mobile number   The paper reports him as saying that products not approved by
        portability  (MNP)  from  October  2021  –  the  regulator  has  also   16 December 2020 must have approval under the new RTT Type
        implemented two major pieces of legislation designed to improve   Approval Rules while all type approval certificates issued prior to
        coverage  and service quality in the mobile  sector.  With the   16 December 2020 under the old rules will expire automatically on
        TRCSL currently in the technical planning stage for introducing   17 June 2021. Finally, the official stated that issues surrounding
        FNP/MNP, Oshada Senanayake, Director General TRCSL told the   non-utilization of mobile spectrum – in some cases operators are
        Business Times: ‘We updated the quality of service (QoS) gazette   being hampered by the ‘high number of court cases on spectrum
        after 18 years and also gazette the Radio Telecommunications   allocation, which ultimately affected the QoS in the voice services’
        Terminal (RTT) rules’. The  QoS rules  dictate  matters such  as   – are now being cleared and that ‘refarming of spectrums has
        ‘how long a customer can be on hold by a telephone operator, the   started now in a  bid to overcome  interference  propagated  by
        quality of the call, bill resolutions etc.,’ he added, while pointing   signals in neighboring countries. (April 13, 2021)


        The Syrian government has passed legislation to impose stricter   legislation – Legislative Decree No. 9 of 2021 – amends Article
        penalties  on individuals  that ‘use fraudulent  means to obtain   67 of the Telecommunication Law No. 18 of 2010 to increase the
        access to telecommunications  services. In a  statement, the   penalty for obtaining telecoms services through fraudulent means
        Ministry  of Communication  and Technology  (MoCT) explained   with the intention of evading  the payment of fees  to between
        that the amendment  targets those  that violate the  law  by   one- and three-years imprisonment and a fine of between SYP1
        tampering  with equipment  to access  telecoms  services  and   million and SYP4 million (USD1,950 and USD7,800). Previously,
        avoid paying the associated fees. As such, the MoCT is aiming   the punishment for the offence was a prison sentence of between
        to protect the rights of customers and investors and to ensure   three months and two years and a fine of between SYP50,000 and
        that  the  government can collect  the dues  it  is  owed. The new   SYP500,000. (April 30, 2021)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory   long-term development for the UAE. Hence, TDRA is keen to adopt
        Authority (TDRA) declared it had been ranked as one of the top   and launch initiatives that enhance innovation in work to provide
        three innovative entities in Middle East as per the Global Innovation   best services and achieve society happiness in the UAE. Al Kitbi
        Institute’s Report.  The  report evaluates innovation ranking  for   pointed  out that this ranking of TDRA  encourages  us to exert
        entities registered in the institute. TDRA has met all standards   more effort  and provide more innovative initiatives. He added:
        and requirements set by the institute to obtain innovative entity   “Leadership in ICT depends heavily on innovation and creativity
        certificate.  The  institute  has  accredited  a  number  of  TDRA’s   in work. This is reflected by many initiatives adopted by TDRA like
        innovations developed  and implemented  at  the national and   Digital Innovation Centre and TDRA’s Digital Innovation System.
        international level.  About this  achievement, H.E.  Mohammad   TDRA establishes continuous cooperation with strategic partners
        Al Kitbi, Acting Deputy Director General for the Support Service   and global organizations to enable  and develop innovation
        Sector, said: “TDRA attaches great importance to innovation as   initiatives to achieve best results.” TDRA has emphasized that the
        one of the elements of the national agenda 2021, under “United   achievement is a result of innovation management methodology.
        in Knowledge” pillar. That pillar aims at a competitive economy   TDRA has global accreditation certificates in innovation, provides
        driven by  knowledgeable  and innovative Emiratis  to  guarantee   an  innovation-friendly  environment,  has  efficient  and  creative

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