Page 149 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 149


                         China is forecast to reach 739 million 5G subscribers by   5G subscribers in February. The operator said it ended
                         2025, according to a recent study by ABI Research.This   February with a total of 173.16 million 5G subscribers,
                         figure would represent nearly 40% of the global market   compared to  15.4  million 5G  customers  in  February
                         share in the 5G segment. In terms of the annual mobile   2020. Meanwhile, rival operator China Telecom added
        China            data consumption, the 5G annual data traffic in China   a total of 6.2 million 5G subscribers in February to take
                         is forecast to reach 782 exabytes by 2025, representing   its total 5G subscribers base to 103.37 million. Also,
                         a  share  of nearly 60% of the world’s  total  5G data   China Unicom  ended  February with 84.5  million 5G
                         consumption.  “Unlike other  early adopters,  such  as   subscribers, up from 77.95 million the previous month.
                         South Korea, the United States, Finland, Japan, and   (April 5, 2021)
                         many others, mobile operators in China are owned by
                         the government, which allow them to receive extensive   The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
                         support  for developing  the 5G networks especially   (MIIT) has issued its ‘Dual Gigabit Network Coordinated
                         in the consumer  market,”  said Jiancao  Hou, 5G and   Development  Action  Plan (2021-2023)’, setting  out
                         mobile network infrastructure senior analyst  at  ABI   targets and planned  works  for the extension  of the
                         Research.  “From  a  spectrum  perspective, the mobile   ‘dual  gigabit  network’  –  the  combination  of  gigabit
                         operators received 5G spectrum licenses for tests and   fiber-optic  and  5G  infrastructures  –  over  the  next
                         trials  in 2018, giving them the  great opportunity to   three  years.  Broadly, the  strategy  aims to promote
                         plan the  best  network  deployment  strategies  and be   development  and take up  of innovative applications
                         ready for the 5G commercial launch  in the following   and solutions for key industries and end users through
                         year.” Moreover, “the current trade war and the ban of   construction of new facilities and upgrades to existing
                         the Chinese domestic vendors isn’t slowing down 5G   systems. A key element of the strategy is to promote
                         deployment in China, at least over the next 2 to 3 years,   the ‘complementary advantages’ of the two network
                         given its level of 5G deployment momentum.” Chinese   types, highlighting the strength of fiber-optic systems
                         mobile operators have deployed a total of 690,000 5G   within ‘indoor  and complex  environments  with large
                         base stations  as  of October 2020, according to the   transmission bandwidth,  strong anti-interference
                         report.  China Unicom and China  Telecom  are jointly   and microsecond-level connection’  alongside  5G’s
                         deploying their standalone (SA) 5G RAN infrastructure   flexibility,  mobility and capacity  to  support  a  large
                         and sharing radio frequency  resources. On the other   number  of connections.  The action plan sets out
                         hand,  China  Mobile will  continuously  promote  a   a  number of targets for the end of 2021  and end-
                         dual-mode solution (NSA  and SA) to  better support   2023, with the former including the extension of fiber
                         international  roaming,  and its  collaboration  strategy   networks to over 200 million households nationwide,
                         with China Broadcasting Network is under discussion.   the deployment of a total of 600,000 5G base stations
                         “There is no clear strategy guideline for promoting local   to expand coverage into key towns and villages, and
                         licensed  spectrum  access or unlicensed  and shared   to build  20 ‘gigabit  cities’. By the  second  deadline,
                         spectrum use in the Chinese telco market at the current   the MIIT expects the fiber footprint to have expanded
                         stage,” Hou said. “Considering the comprehensive fiber   to 400 million households and 5G networks to cover
                         deployment across the whole country, Fixed Wireless   areas above the township level and key administrative
                         Access and mmWave deployment may receive limited   villages. The  regulator  has also set end-2023 as  the
                         attention, except for traffic offloading in hotspots.” The   deadline for its so-called ‘Double Hundred’ goal, which
                         analyst  also highlighted  that the  ban of the  Chinese   envisions the construction  of 100  gigabit cities and
                         vendors’  development from other countries  may   100  gigabit  industry  VPN  benchmark  projects.  To
                         stimulate the revival  of the domestic supply chain   achieve these targets, the MIIT’s has set out a series
                         in the Chinese  market.  Chinese  operators  added  a   of 18 key tasks across six different areas, namely: giga
                         total of 16.94 million 5G subscribers during February,   city construction;  carrying capacity enhancement;
                         according to  monthly statistics  published  on the   industry  convergence  empowerment;  strengthening
                         carriers’  websites. China  Mobile,  the  world’s largest   the industrial chain; user experience improvement; and
                         operator  in terms of subscribers,  added  4.19  million   security enhancement. (March 29, 2021)

                         Croatia’s  Regulatory  Agency  for Network Operations   offer 60MHz (three blocks of 2×10MHz) in the 700MHz
                         (HAKOM) has opened applications for its 5G spectrum   range,  320MHz  (32  blocks  of 10MHz)  at  3.5GHz  and
                         auction in which it will offer frequencies in the 700MHz,   1000MHz (five blocks of 200MHz) at 26GHz. In addition,
                         3.5GHz  and 26GHz  bands. Prospective bidders  have   a further 80MHz of frequencies in the 3.5GHz band will
        Croatia          until 11 June to submit applications, with the auction   be available  via  regional licenses. Croatia’s  mobile
                         itself set to begin on 12 July. As previously announced,   market is currently home to three operators: Hrvatski
                         licenses will be valid for 15 years, with the possibility of   Telekom (HT), A1 and Telemach (formerly Tele2).
                         a five-year extension. On a national level, the sale will   (May 28, 2021)

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