Page 151 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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                         any technical  issues with the implementation.  The   coverage  and  quality  of  service.  The  firms  plan  to
                         operators also laid out their roadmap for the overseas   install over 500 cell sites by 2025, as well as deploying
                         territories  to ARCEP, stating that  they  would provide   new infrastructure in French Guinana by end-2022.
                         annual progress reports as they look to boost mobile   (April 15, 2021)

                         Ghana is all set to begin re-registration of SIM cards   Vice  President  also  noted  that  the  SIM  registration
                         with  Ghana Card, the country’s  smart  national ID,  or   exercise is aimed at helping curb activities such as SIM
                         risk  getting  their  SIMs  blocked.  The  Vice  President,   box and Mobile money fraud. The SIM Box, which can
                         Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has stated that the Minister   house between 100 to 1000 SIM cards, is being used by
        Ghana            for Communication  and Digitalization will  between   fraudsters to make huge financial gains. A six-month
                         June and July announce the re-registration of all SIM
                                                                        grace period has been earmarked to get all Subscriber
                         cards in use in Ghana as part of measures to help in   Identity Module (SIM) numbers re-registered with the
                         the formalization of the Ghanaian economy. Following   Ghana Card. The re-registration doesn’t require going
                         this, a  tweet was  released  by  Ghana’s  Ministry  of   to any telecom outlet as the process can be carried out
                         Communications  stated that  the re-registration   on mobile devices with a dedicated USSD code, as long
                         process  commences  in June  and runs till  December,   as one has the Ghana Card. With a population of over
                         after which all unregistered SIMs will be blocked. The   29 million people, the number of mobile subscriptions
                         Government’s  decision  to formalize the Ghanaian   in Ghana as of 2019 was 40.93 million, according to
                         economy  has made it  necessary for the various   Statista.
                         identity cards to be brought under one umbrella. The   (May 26,2021)

                         German parliament this week adopted a law regulating   a single law so that the legal situation is clearer and
                         data  protection  and  privacy  in  telecommunications   more consistent,”  Social Democrat  (SPD)  MP  Falko
                         and  telemedia.  For  the  first  time,  the  legislator   Mohrs told EURACTIV. According to Christian Democrat
                         transposed  EU  requirements  on cookies  from the   (CDU) MP Hansjörg Durz, it was a “good day for data
        Germany          bloc’s  e-privacy directive.    German data  protection   protection.”  Speaking  in parliament, the conservative
                         was until recently regulated by a series of laws. That   lawmaker also stressed that the new law had created
                         led to legal uncertainty due to partially contradictory   the “basis of the data economy of the future”. The new
                         provisions.  Both  the Telemedia  Act (TMG)  and the   law, known by its acronym TTDSG, has also come under
                         recently  amended  Telecommunications  Act (TKG)   fire from critics. In a statement, MP Mario Brandenburg
                         have prompted  uncertainty in some  quarters. The   of the liberal FDP said the new rules undermined “the
                         Data  Protection  Act passed on Thursday  (20  May)   right to anonymity on the internet.” The law could in
                         intends to unify the country’s rules and bring them in   any case soon be superseded by European law since
                         line with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation   the EU  is  currently  holding  intense talks  on the new
                         (GDPR). “Until  now, questions  about data  protection   ePrivacy  Regulation, which regulates data  protection
                         and privacy were split between these two laws. These   across Europe.
                         different data protection rules will now be merged into   (May 21, 2021)

                         The Communications Authority (CA) has announced a   at  2.5GHz/2.6GHz  and 80MHz at 4.9GHz  can be
                         wireless spectrum auction for the fourth quarter of this   deployed in both indoor and outdoor locations for the
                         year to sell 325MHz of spectrum. The sale will include   provision of public mobile services, while the 70MHz
                         220MHz  of 5G-capable  frequencies  in the 600MHz,   in  the 600MHz  band is  designated for indoor  use to
        Hong Kong        700MHz and 4.9GHz bands, plus 105MHz of reassigned   improve availability in areas such as shopping malls.
                         spectrum  in the 850MHz  and 2.5GHz/2.6GHz  bands.   TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database  notes that
                         The auction reserve prices will be set by the Secretary   Hong Kong conducted sales of 5G-capable spectrum
                         for Commerce  and Economic  Development  (SCED)   in the 3.3GHz,  3.5GHz,  4.9GHz  and 26GHz ranges  in
                         nearer the time, while the spectrum utilization fee (SUF)   2019,  with  licenses  acquired by  the four incumbent
                         will be determined at auction. All frequencies become   operators, Hutchison 3, HKT, China Mobile HK (CMHK)
                         available to winning bidders in December 2021, apart   and SmarTone. The cellcos launched commercial 5G
                         from the 2.5GHz/2.6GHz  spectrum,  which will  be   services in April and May 2020.
                         released  in March 2024.  The 85MHz  of spectrum  in   (March 31, 2021)
                         the 700MHz and the 850MHz bands, plus the 90MHz

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