Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 96


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        CRTC Scraps its 2019 Decision Lowering Wholesale Internet Access Rates

        The  Canadian Radio-television and Tele-  tain aspects of its August 2019 decision.   in the large company’s network, while un-
        communications Commission (CRTC) has   With its new decision the CRTC is adopt-  der the disaggregated model, competitors
        issued a  decision  (2021-181  of  27  May   ing the interim rates [set in Q4 2016], with   connect  to numerous points in the large
        2021) finalizing wholesale rates for small-  adjustments, as the final rates.’ While its   operator’s network thereby ‘reducing their
        er ISPs  to  access  large operators’  high   latest decision represents a victory for big   reliance  on expensive transport  costs
        speed  broadband  networks to resolve a   telcos and cablecos including Bell, Telus,   while spurring  investments  in broadband
        long-standing dispute regarding the exist-  Rogers  and Shaw,  the CRTC  highlighted   networks,’  the  watchdog  added.  CRTC
        ing ‘aggregated access’ wholesale model,   that the aggregated  access  model  is  in   Chair Ian Scott underlined:  ‘Since  2016,
        cancelling  its  previous decision  (2019-  the process of transitioning to a ‘disaggre-  the CRTC’s objective has been to complete
        288)  to  significantly  reduce  rates  which   gated’  HSA service  enabling  competitors   the transition to a  disaggregated  whole-
        was issued in August 2019 but never im-  to  access  the  fiber-to-the-home  (FTTH)   sale model for access to the large compa-
        plemented.  The  regulator  stated: ‘During   networks of the large companies and of-  nies’ high speed broadband networks. This
        the review of wholesale rates for aggregat-  fer their customers faster internet speeds   model will foster greater competition and
        ed high speed access [HSA] services, the   and a wider range of services. Under the   further investments,  so  that  the  industry
        information provided on the record caused   aggregated model, a competitor connects   can better serve the needs of Canadians.
        the CRTC to doubt the correctness of cer-  its network to a smaller number of points   Today’s decision will allow us to focus on
                                                                                 that goal, while providing certainty in the
                                                                                 marketplace for ISPs.’ The CRTC’s  state-
                                                                                 ment clarified: ‘The Commission approves
                                                                                 on  a  final  basis  the  rates  for  aggregated
                                                                                 wholesale HSA service that were in effect
                                                                                 on an interim basis prior to the issuance
                                                                                 of Telecom  Order 2019-288,  with  certain
                                                                                 modifications, including the removal of the
                                                                                 supplementary markup of 10% for incum-
                                                                                 bent local exchange  carriers. The Com-
                                                                                 mission further determines that the aggre-
                                                                                 gated wholesale HSA service rates that are
                                                                                 made final in this decision are to be applied
                                                                                 retroactively to when the rates were made
                                                                                 interim [i.e. backdated to 2016].’

        1&1 Versatel, Deutsche Glasfaser  Sign  Wholesale  FTTH  Deal for B2B


        1&1 Versatel has entered into a long-term   and gigabit internet  speeds  on Deutsche   such  regions,’  commented  CEO  of  1&1
        wholesale agreement which will enable it   Glasfaser’s  fiber-optic  infrastructure.  ‘As   Versatel Dr. Soren Trebst, adding: ‘Gigabit
        to market its  B2B  products  and services   a network operator, we have to ensure   is only possible together.  Cooperation,
        over  Deutsche  Glasfaser’s  fiber-to-the-  that all companies really do get fiber-optic   open  access platforms and other forms
        home  (FTTH) network.  As a  result of the   connections,  especially  in commercial   of cooperation  must be strengthened
        cooperation,  1&1  Versatel  is  expanding   areas.  In  rural  areas  in  particular,  the   and promoted. We will only be successful
        its  business services in rural areas  and   expansion of a comprehensive fiber-optic   if we as an industry use synergy, think
        will  be able to equip  more than 12,000   network only works through partnerships.   networked and work hand in hand.’
        companies  with products,  including  data   With this cooperation we are taking an
        center  connections and cloud  services,   important step in the development  of

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