Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 97


        CNMC Reduces Indirect FTTH Wholesale Charge

        Spain’s  National  Commission for Markets  and Competition   million active fiber-optic broadband lines in Spain, 2.7 million are
        (Comision Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC)   attributed to wholesale services currently regulated by the CNMC
        has reduced the indirect access point (punto de acceso indirecto,   via the Ethernet de Banda Ancha (NEBA) classification. According
        PAI) charge that  alternative operators are obliged  to  pay   to TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database, NEBA  was  a  new
        Telefonica Espana (Movistar) in order to access its fiber-to-the-  reference offer for wholesale broadband access that was unveiled
        home (FTTH) network. The 2020 PAI price of EUR2.83 (USD3.46)/  in November 2011; it was conceived to allow alternative operators
        Mbps has  been reduced  to EUR2.23/Mbps  and will  drop to   greater customization in the wholesale services they could offer
        EUR1.97/Mbps  in  2022.  The watchdog  notes that  of the 11.8   to end users.

        Telefonica, 1&1 Drillisch Conclude National Roaming Contract

        Drillisch  Online,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  1&1  Drillisch,
        has announced  it has concluded  a long-term  national roaming
        agreement with Telefonica Deutschland, as it seeks to become
        Germany’s fourth mobile network operator. The agreement, which
        goes back to a  commitment  by  Telefonica  as  part  of the EU
        antitrust approval of its merger with E-Plus in 2014, follows the
        signing of a letter agreement between 1&1 Drillisch and Telefonica
        in February. The start date for national roaming will be set by 1&1
        Drillisch in parallel with the launch of its mobile network. From this
        date, all new and existing customers migrated to 1&1 Drillisch’s
        network will have access to the 5G network, and automatically
        non-discriminatory access  to Telefonica’s 2G and 4G mobile
        network via national roaming in areas not yet rolled out by 1&1
        Drillisch. From 1 January 2026, access to 4G national roaming
        in Telefonica’s mobile network will be limited to some extent in
        certain urban areas which will then be covered by 1&1 Drillisch’s
        5G  network.  However,  in  these  areas  a  minimum coverage of
        national roaming of up to 50Mbps is always ensured. 1&1 Drillisch   prices,  which  are lower than the prices  currently charged  by
        customers, who are currently activated on Telefonica’s network,   Telefonica  under  the  MBA  MVNO  agreement.  1&1  Drillisch  has
        will be migrated within a contractually agreed transition period   the  right to extend  the  initial term until 30 June  2029, and at
        following the launch of 1&1 Drillisch’s 5G network and will continue   1&1 Drillisch’s request an additional contract extension up to 30
        to have 2G, 4G and 5G access to Telefonica’s mobile network until   June 2034 is possible. The prices for the first extension option
        then. The national roaming agreement has an initial term of five   until June 2029 are determined by specific rules, following which
        years, retrospectively from 1 July 2020 until 30 June 2025, and   Telefonica  continues  to be  obliged  to offer non-discriminatory
        is based on the pricing mechanisms of the first five years of the   prices. As part of the overall agreement, the ongoing price review
        pair’s MBA MVNO agreement. It provides for annually decreasing   proceedings initiated by 1&1 Drillisch will also be terminated.

        The Post and  Telecom  Authority  Proposes  Revision  of Mila’s Wholesale

        Tariff for Trunk Segments of Leased Lines

        The  Post and Telecom  Administration   of  leased  lines  should be changed in   that in the next revision of the tariffs in the
        (PTA) has sent a draft decision regarding   its  entirety in accordance  with  changes   market, the cost model will be reviewed in
        the revision of  Mila’s  wholesale  tariff  for   in the underlying costs for the trunk   its entirety. The tariff increase only applies
        trunk segments of leased lines to the   network, instead of updating cost models   to monthly fees, which  will  increase by
        EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA),  with   for different services.  The PTA  says  that   2.59%, while one-time fees,  monthly fees
        the regulatory  body given one  month  to   this does not  disrupt  the  structure of   for Sync-Ethernet and connections remain
        submit its  comments. In  the submitted   tariffs that are currently  in force and the   unchanged. Mila will be required to submit
        draft legislation, the PTA agrees to Mila’s   consistency between tariffs in this market.   a revised cost model to the PTA in 2022.
        request that the tariff for trunk segments   However, the PTA considers it appropriate
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