Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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                         Telekom Deutschland  (TD), the  domestic operating   has announced  the  implementation  of seamless call
                         unit of Deutsche Telekom (DT), has enabled maximum   handover  between  its  mobile  2G  and  3G  networks
                         fixed  broadband  speeds  of  250Mbps  for  a  further   in  Germany,  Austria,  Poland,  the  Netherlands  and
                         877,000 lines nationwide. The additions bring the total   the  Czech  Republic.  The  move  will  eliminate  call
        Germany          number of 250Mbps-enabled lines to over 23 million.   interruptions  when crossing national borders and
                         The company also announced that the number of lines
                                                                        changing  networks.  Talks  with  providers  from
                         with maximum 100Mbps connection  speeds  using   neighboring  countries,  including  France,  Switzerland,
                         VDSL vectoring technology has been increased by an   Denmark and Belgium,  are ongoing.  ‘We connect
                         additional 65,000, bringing total household coverage of   Europe  and  make  mobile  phone  calls  even  easier.
                         the rates to 29.5 million.                     Especially in the holiday season, millions of customers
                         (August 9, 2019)             are  already  benefiting  from  this,’  commented  CEO  of
                                                                        Telekom Deutschland Dirk Wossner.
                         German  telecoms  company  Deutsche  Telekom  (DT)   (August 7, 2019)

                         Iceland’s  Post  and Telecom  Administration (PTA, or   No.18/2019.
                         Post-og  Fjarskiptastofnun  [PFS])  has  announced  the   (August 14, 2019)
                         cancellation of Yellow Mobile’s 2600MHz concession.
                         In a press release the  regulator noted  that, with the   The  telecoms  watchdog  Post  and  Telecom
        Iceland          license having been issued to the cellco in July 2017,   Administration (PTA) has opened a public consultation
                         it  was  required  to  have  started  using  the  spectrum
                                                                        on  its  draft  decision  outlining  the  mobile  and  fixed
                         within  twelve  months  but  failed  to  do  so.  According   termination  rates  for  the  2020  calendar  year.  The
                         to the PTA, it had subsequently granted Yellow Mobile   regulator  proposes  that  from  1  January  2020  the
                         several  deadline  extensions  to  allow  it  to  fulfil  its   mobile  termination  rate  (MTR)  in  the  country  should
                         obligations,  despite  which  the  cellco  has  still  yet  to   increase to ISK1.02 (USD0.00823) per minute, up from
                         offer connectivity via its 2×10MHz block of 2600MHz   ISK0.96 per minute (in effect until 31 December 2019).
                         spectrum. As a result of the continued failure to fulfil   For fixed termination, the rate will remain at its current
                         the  terms  of  its  license,  the  PTA  has  now  confirmed   level (ISK0.12). The PTA has invited comments on its
                         the  concession  has  now  been  revoked  by  Decision   draft decision until 30 August.(August 14, 2019)

                         India’s  planned  spectrum  sale  is  unlikely  to  take   Industry warned the high reserve price set for the 5G
                         place  until  early  2020  as  the  Department  of   auction would put  additional downward  pressure  on
                         Telecommunications (DoT) hasn’t finalized the pricing   mobile  operators’  already  sinking  ARPU  and  slow
                         or how much spectrum will be allocated. In addition,   growth of the sector.
        India            the  newspaper  said draft documents  outlining  the   (August 27, 2019)The Economic Times
                         terms  and  conditions  have  not  been  completed.  The
                         DoT  scheduled  the  auction,  the  country’s  first  since   India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has
                         October 2016, to be held before the end of 2019. The   asked the  Registrars  of  Companies  (RoCs) in  Delhi
                         government  proposed  auctioning  off  as  much  as   and Mumbai to halt the merger of Bharti Airtel and the
                         3,000MHz of spectrum across eight bands, including   consumer mobile division of Tata Teleservices Limited
                         two 5G bands, potentially its largest auction ever. A DoT   (TTSL),  as  the  regulator  had  not  given  its  written
                         representative  told  ET:  “The  timeline  may  be  delayed   approval  to  the  transaction.  Airtel  announced  that  it
                         by  around  a  month.”  The  department  announced  in   had completed the merger in July this year, after the
                         December  2018  it  would wait  until the second  half   Telecom  Disputes Settlement  and Appellate  Tribunal
                         of  2019  to  auction  additional  spectrum,  giving  some   (TDSAT) rejected the DoT’s  demands  on the merger
                         ground to mobile operators’ plea to delay the sale due to   and instructed the ministry to provide the duo with the
                         high levels of debt and an ongoing price war. Vodafone   last of the approvals needed to go ahead with the tie-
                         Idea urged the DoT to push back future auctions until   up.  Unnamed  industry  sources  were  cited  as  saying
                         2020, arguing  demand  for new spectrum  will grow   that the DoT will challenge the merger in the Supreme
                         only once the 5G ecosystem is in place, while Bharti   Court  on  various  grounds,  including  the  companies’
                         Airtel executives previously said they would sit out any   competition  of the merger through a  TDSAT  ruling,
                         early auction of 5G spectrum due to a lack of clarity   which the ministry claimed ‘is in contravention … of the
                         over  business  cases  and  a  shortage  of  compatible   approved  merger  scheme’.  A  spokesperson  for  Airtel
                         handsets. In early August, the Confederation of Indian   explained  that ‘both  parties have operationalized  the

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