Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         The    Directing   Council   of   the   National   fixed 5G and WiFi 6. The 1.9 GHz bands and 2.5 GHz,
                         Telecommunications   Agency   (Anatel)   decided   in  turn,  were  allocated  to  3G  and  4G  technologies  in
                         unanimously,  to  send  to  the  Superintendence  of   previous  Anatel  tenders;  the  remaining  lots  must  be
                         Granting and Provisioning Resources (SOR) proposals   the  subject  of  a  public  call.  The  public  call  process,
        Brazil           for  public  calls  to  assess  the  existence  of  possible   it  should  be  clarified,  aims  to  raise  the  number  of
                         interested parties in the use of the 1.9 GHz, 2.5 GHz   possible interested parties in order to allow the Agency
                         and 39.5 GHz bands to provide broadband service. The   to decide whether to carry out a bidding process for the
                         39.5 GHz band has been increasingly used in several   sale of radio frequency use authorizations.
                         countries  for the provision of high  capacity  wireless   (August 6, 2020)
                         broadband  and its  use is  studied for applications  in

                         Chile’s Undersecretary of Telecommunications Pamela   between  13  October  and  19  October.  Announcing
                         Gidi has responded to criticism from consumer rights   the publication  of the documents,  Chilean  President
                         activists  Conadecus  for not including  in the tender   Sebastian Pinera was quoted as saying: ‘the spectrum
                         documents for 5G spectrum an obligation for licensees   tender for 5G technology is based on four fundamental
        Chile            to  provide  coverage  in  rural  areas.  Diario  Financiero   principles:  quality,  coverage, technological  neutrality
                                                                        and  security.  For  this  reason,  the  contest  ensures
                         quotes the official as saying that ‘5G is not a tool for
                         closing  the digital  divide  and the big problem  is  the   an adequate level of quality and coverage of at least
                         fixed  internet.’  The  consumer  advocate  organization   90% of the inhabitants of our country.’ The president
                         claimed  that  the  Department  of  Telecommunications   went on to claim that the technology  would  initially
                         (Subsecretaria  de  Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  had   contribute 0.2% to GDP in direct investment in the first
                         missed an opportunity as the upcoming 5G spectrum   year and 0.5% one the networks are operational at a
                         auction  will  feature  a  block  of  700MHz  spectrum,   national level. (August 18, 2020)
                         which  is well-suited  to providing services in rural
                         and  remote  areas.  Elaborating  on  the  decision  to   Chile’s  telecom  sector  watchdog  the  Department  of
                         exclude  such  requirements  from  the  auction,  the   Telecommunications (Subtel) has set out the timeline
                         Undersecretary  argued  that  fiber  rather  than  mobile   for four  separate, parallel 5G spectrum  auctions,  to
                         infrastructure would be required to narrow the digital   take  place  in  Q4  2020,  Diario  Financiero  writes.  The
                         divide. The official noted that whilst 54% of Chileans   tenders  are  for  spectrum  to  be  used  for  LTE-A  Pro,
                         have a fixed broadband connection, only a quarter of   5G  (or  better)  technologies  and comprise  airwaves
                         those are fiber. Ms. Gidi went on to explain that there   in  the  following  bands:  703MHz-713MHz/758MHz-
                         are currently issues with both the supply and demand   768MHz;   1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-2170MHz;
                         sides of the equation, with people able to afford fibre   3300MHz-3400MHz  and  3600MHz-3650MHz;  and
                         connectivity in areas that are not covered and people   25.9GHz-27.5GHz.  Documents  related  to  the  tenders
                         in  areas  with  fiber  coverage  that  cannot  afford  the   will be published by Subtel on 17 August, followed by a
                         service. To address these issues, Subtel is looking to   public consultation process between 7 September and
                         regulatory changes in the form of a universal service   28 September. Interested parties will then have until 19
                         bill and a possible subsidy. Movistar threw its weight   October to submit applications.
                         behind  Subtel’s  decision,  with  Director  of  Strategy,   (August 3, 2020)
                         Regulation and Corporate Affairs Fernando Saiz quoted
                         as saying: ‘5G is not a panacea, it is a super important   Chile’s  Comptroller  General  has  taken  note  of
                         technology for industrial uses, automating processes   legislation  regulating  guaranteed  minimum internet
                         and applications such as IoT. It is useful for companies   access speeds, with implementation set to begin later
                         and entrepreneurs but not so much for people.’  this week, following the publication of the regulations
                         (August 21, 2020)              in the Official Gazette. The long-running initiative under
                                                                        the Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria
                         Chilean    regulator   the   Department    of   de  Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  comprises  a  series
                         Telecommunications (Subtel) has published the tender   of regulations  governing  commercial  offers and the
                         documents  for  the  nation’s  upcoming  5G  spectrum   provision of broadband services and aims to ensure that
                         auctions. The regulator is planning to hold four parallel   the users receive the download speeds featured in their
                         sales, one for each of the bands in which spectrum is   contracts.  The  regulations  include  the  establishment
                         being  made  available:  700MHz,  2100MHz,  3500MHz   of an Independent Technical Organization (Organismo
                         and 26GHz. Each of the concessions will have a duration   Tecnico  Independiente,  OTI)  that  will  be  responsible
                         of  30  years  and, following a  consultation  period,   for conducting periodic measurements to ensure that
                         interested bidders will be able to submit applications   providers are delivering promised access speeds. The

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