Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         data  collected  by  the  OTI  will  also  form  the  basis  of   speeds as measured by the new body. Secondly, Subtel
                         a regular publication of statistics and service quality   set standard ranges within which ISPs must guarantee
                         rankings, with  the aim  of  providing users with  more   connection  speeds.  During  peak  hours,  providers
                         information when selecting a service plan. Customers   must guarantee 95% of the contracted speed for fixed
                         will also have access to an application that will allow   connections and 90% for wireless connections, and for
                         them to measure their connection speed  and inform   off-peak hours the rates were set at 98% (fixed) and 93%
                         the regulator if the measurements falls  short of the   (wireless).  For  example,  a  customer  with  a  100Mbps
                         rates  featured  in  their  contract.  Meanwhile,  Subtel   fixed broadband plan must receive download speeds
                         has established a series of quality requirements that   of  at  least  95Mbps  during  peak  hours  and  98Mbps
                         must  be  met  by  all  fixed  and  mobile  internet  service   during off-peak hours. Finally, the regulations require
                         providers.  Firstly,  the  regulator  has  established  the   that  operators that fail  to meet the above standards
                         definition  of  ‘broadband’  services  to  be  5Mbps  for   must offer users  discounts  or an adapted service
                         mobile connections and 25Mbps for fixed connections.   plan, with  such compensation  to be proportional to
                         Operators are permitted to provide lower transfer rates   the  length  of  time  that  the  service  malfunctioned.
                         but must not advertise such offerings as ‘broadband’.   Notably,  customers’  download  speed  measurements
                         This definition will take effect during the first year of   will be assumed to be correct – unless the provider can
                         the  OTI’s  operation,  whilst  from  the  second  year  the   demonstrate otherwise – to ensure a greater level of
                         definition  will  be  based  on  national  average  access   protection for users. (July 23, 2020)

                         The  Colombian  government  is  set  to  intensify   bidders  are  now theoretically  able to  acquire  both
                         its  attempt  to  sell  its  32.5%  stake  in  Telefonica   stakes and gain full control of the telco. As previously
                         Colombia  (Movistar)  –  two  years  after  its  initial  sale   reported  by  TeleGeography’s  CommsUpdate,  on  13
                         attempt floundered. According to La Informacion, the   July 2018 the Ministry of Finance issuing Decree 1215,
        Colombia         government will seek to exploit the recently approved   setting the price of its 32.5% shareholding at COP2.3
                         Legislative Decree No. 811, which has opened the door   trillion  (USD800  million  at  that  time,  USD631  million
                         to the privatization of public companies, or companies   using the current exchange rate). A total of 1.108 billion
                         in  which  the  state  has  a  significant  participation.   shares were to be sold via a two-step public offering,
                         The  government’s  commitment  to  selling  the  stake   with the price set at COP2,075 per share, only for the
                         is  likely  to  benefit  Telefonica  too;  the  Spanish  giant   process to be derailed by a lack of interest.
                         is  committed  to  offloading  all  its  business  in  Latin   (July 22, 2020)
                         America,  except  Telefonica  Brasil.  Any  interested

                         The telecoms regulator, the Czech Telecommunication   d) defined the obligation to lease frequencies in favour
                         Office  (CTU),  has  launched  a  tender  to  award  radio   of support for so-called ‘Industry 4.0.’
                         frequencies  in  the  700MHz  and  3400MHz–3600MHz   e)  defined  development  criteria  for  the  rapid
                         bands, suitable for fifth-generation wireless services.   development of new networks, including deadlines for
        Czech            In a press release dated 7 August, the CTU confirmed   the coverage of motorway and railway corridors
                                                                        f) set the conditions  for the provision of Public
                         its intention to boost  competition in a market that
        Republic         has  long faced vocal criticism from politicians and   Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) communication
                         consumers  for  the  high  cost  of  mobile  services.   services on the  basis  of a  future  contract of  the
                         Following its public consultation on its proposals, the   Ministry  of  the  Interior.  Interested  bidders  have  until
                         regulator has highlighted a number of key aims of the   30 September 2020 to submit applications to take part
                         tender. Specifically, it has:                  in  the  auction,  the  CTU  said,  however  the  proposals
                         a)  reserved  a  comprehensive  section  of  2×10MHz  in   have been met with skepticism and criticism from the
                         the 700MHz band for new applicants for entry into the   country’s mobile network operators (MNOs) O2 Czech
                         mobile market                                  Republic, T-Mobile CR and Vodafone CR. In a statement
                         b) set spectral limits for both offered frequency bands,   issued after the watchdog’s update, Vodafone criticised
                         taking into account  the  range  of radio frequencies   the  CTU  saying:  ‘Given  the  mistakes  and  problems
                         already held by potential participants         in the conditions, it can be expected that the auction
                         c) set the condition for the provision of national   will result in clashes at courts and also the European
                         roaming services to existing mobile operators for the   Commission’.  Rival  T-Mobile  also  raised  concerns
                         benefit of new operators, provided that they meet the   over the plan, which is seen as not well prepared, with
                         set conditions for the development of their own 5G   spokesman Jiri Janecek quoted by Reuters as saying:
                         networks                                       ‘We have to study the conditions and ponder our next

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