Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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in various sectors and specializations of
the company under the supervision of
experienced specialists. The company
also holds virtual lectures and workshops
to provide students with hands-on
experiences, besides other technical skills.
The virtual training focuses on technical
areas related to artificial intelligence, the
Internet of Things and smart cities in order
to enhance the competencies and skills of
undergraduates by providing them with the
necessary skills and knowledge they need
to enter the labor market and empowering
them to meet the current and future needs
of the labor market. It is worth mentioning
that Omantel has trained a large number
of the company's general strategy, computer science, information technology students last year. The training program,
covered many aspects related to human and support services. Omantel has also which covered the various technical and
resources, the most important of which financed several researches related administrative departments within the
was creating a unified business culture to innovation, information technology company, enabled the students to acquire
that is aligned with the company's new and communication. The company the required practical and professional
operating model. This strategy aimed also has also signed an agreement with the knowledge. Omantel also supports many
at developing competencies, building a Massachusetts Institute of Technology, programs and initiatives launched by
clear database of all employees, improving which is considered one of the most various entities. In this regard, Omantel
and automating HR Unit services. Omantel prestigious educational institutions in US has joined hands with the Ministry of
has also developed an operational model and the world in the fields of technology, Education to develop a curriculum for
and a clear authority matrix to empower computer science, information systems information technology and programming
its employees and to in the Company’s and operations research. This program chains in the first cycle (grades 1-4) for
operating model. This strategy contributed also included leadership development. the basic education stage. The agreement
not only to overcome the challenges faced An agreement was also signed with the aims to develop an educational curriculum
by the company in the market but also prestigious Georgetown University in to provide students with future skills and
to create a positive work environment the US to implement a number of special the Fourth Industrial Revolution skills.
capable of attracting and retaining the programs targeting the company's leaders. The initiative is in line with Oman Vision
best talent. This strategy included many Omantel has also partnered with Harvard 2040, which aims to build a knowledge-
initiatives and projects, such as Kafaat Business University to provide several based economy among many other goals.
(competencies) Academies, which courses and grant specialized certificates. The curriculum will be applied to students
provided employees with the capabilities, All these initiatives were aimed to from grades 1-4 in government schools,
skills, knowledge and experience needed develop the company's employees and private monolingual schools, Diwan
to achieve continued success. The skills enable them to keep abreast of the latest schools, the Royal Omani Orchestra, and
that employees acquired were unique developments at the administrative and Royal Oman Police schools, for a period
and exclusive as they focused not only technical level. During 2021 only, 1,601 of three academic years - starting from
on technical and functional skills but also employees benefited from this Program 2021/2022. As part of its youth capacity-
on ways to enable them to keep pace with through 10,453 training opportunities in building programs, Omantel has also
rapid technology developments in the various fields, despite the challenges of the launched several social responsibility
world. Competencies Academies were Covid-19 pandemic. The program aimed at initiatives. Among the most important of
established in partnership with reputable continuously enhancing the capabilities these programs is the Upgrade program,
universities and institutes to provide the and skills of Omantel’s employees. During in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher
latest distance learning courses that focus this period, Omantel had harnessed Education, Scientific Research and
on future disciplines. The courses have digital technologies and distance learning Innovation, the Public Authority for Small
been provided through advanced digital solutions as an alternative to the traditional and Medium Enterprises Development
platforms. At the end of these courses, learning and training process. In order to and a number of other partners. It also
certificates with worldwide recognition are maximize the benefit and rationalize the introduced the Entrepreneurship Award
given to eligible participants who pass the costs of training, Omantel has implemented in cooperation with the Public Authority
required tests. One of the most important a successful initiative that focuses on for Small and Medium Enterprises
universities that Omantel has partnered transferring expertise and knowledge Development, Mehnaty (my profession)
with was the prestigious Stanford among employees. Omantel plays a major and other programs and initiatives.
University in the United States, which is role in recruiting students from various
ranked second in the world in the fields of universities and colleges and training them
22 FEBRUARY 2022