Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Bangladesh  Telecom  Minister  Mustafa  Jabbar  said  it  is  crucial   years  in  line  with  the  TRIPS  Agreement.  According  to  Rahman,
        to protect  the  intellectual  property  rights  of digital  innovations.   analyzing the Act should be the first step in terms of IP protection
        Jabbar gave the statement at an event held in Dhaka in December   to  help  transform  the  country  into  Smart  Bangladesh.  “Besides,
        2022 celebrating  the 25th anniversary  of  Robi Axiata Limited, a   now compulsory licenses only are issued by the government. The
        mobile  network operator in  Bangladesh.  The  telecom minister   Act must be analyzed if the same supplies protection to patents
        spoke  about  the  importance  of  preserving  IP  in  implementing   which  are  foreign-registered,  enforcement  mechanisms  and
        Smart  Bangladesh.  Smart  Bangladesh  Innovation  2041  aims  to   effective protection available for violation and if the court or other
        bridge the digital divide in the country, culminating in a developed   authority so empowered is allowed to grant damages and so on,”
        and  prosperous  Bangladesh  by  the  year  2041.  Unveiled  by   said Rahman.  (January 18, 2023) The Daily Star
        Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during Digital Bangladesh Day on   The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission
        December 12, 2022, Smart Bangladesh is anchored on four pillars:   (BTRC) has lifted a ban on GrameenPhone’s SIM sales, which was
        Smart  Citizens,  Smart  Government,  Smart  Economy  and  Smart   imposed in June 2022 on the grounds of ‘poor quality of service’.
        Society. According to Jabbar, there will be no Smart Bangladesh   Company  CEO  Yasir  Azman  confirmed  that  the  operator  had
        without  innovation.  He  added  that  there  should  be  only  one  IP   received a letter from the regulator on the withdrawal of the ban.
        office  releasing  patent  and  copyright  certificates.  Mohammed   The executive disclosed: ‘Since the imposition of the embargo, the
        Forrukh Rahman, head and barrister-in-law at Rahman’s Chambers   company has had a constructive dialogue with the regulator and
        in Dhaka, mentioned Bangladesh Patent Act 2022 which repealed   has repeatedly reiterated that such a move deprives customers of
        the Patents and Designs Act, 1911. Passed by the Parliament of   exercising their freedom of choice and raises investor concerns.’
        Bangladesh in April 2022, the Act allows patent protection for 20   (January 5, 2023)


        The National Center for ICT Service Quality Control and Monitoring   Information  Technology  Industry  Development  Agency  (ITIDA)
        of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has issued   and  the  Egyptian  Information  Telecommunications Electronics
        its  Quality  of  Service  (QoS)  Benchmark  Report  for  the  fourth   and  Software  Alliance  (EiTESAL).  Officials  and  representatives
        quarter of 2022 (October to December). The report is part of NTRA   of more than 60 local and global companies specializing in the
        efforts  in  improving  the  quality  of telecommunication  services.   semiconductor  design  and  embedded  systems  industry,  as
        It  showcases  the  indicators of the  quality  of voice and  Internet   well  as  several  experts  and  academics  attended  the  Summit.
        services provided by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in Egypt.   The  event  includes  seminars  and  panel  discussions  aimed
        The quality of services provided by each MNO was measured in 81   at  highlighting  the  current  state  of the  semiconductor global
        areas (cities and districts). Specimens of calls and data transfers   industry,  as  well  as  the  advantages  and  competitiveness  of
        were tested to measure the quality of telecommunication services,   the  Egyptian  market.  Topics  in  advanced  technologies,  venture
        using  measuring equipment  and  vehicles.  Field  scans  were   capital, the future of semiconductors and embedded systems in
        conducted in 122,000 km in main and secondary roads in urban   the automotive industry, in addition to the challenges facing the
        and  rural  areas  during  that  period.  According  to  the  report,  the   industry,  most  notably  talent  shortage,  were  discussed  during
        service quality  improved  in  various areas  that  experienced  low   the Summit. In his speech, the ICT Minister emphasized that the
        quality of voice services, by 34%, and Internet services, by 41% in   domestic electronics industry is growing, with Egypt developing
        the fourth quarter of 2022, compared to the same period in 2021.   and prioritizing  it.  He pointed  out that  the  electronics industry
        It is worth noting that NTRA has taken several steps to improve the   development strategy is implemented to enhance Egypt’s position
        quality of telecommunication services. It adopted 2,930 new base   on the global map of that significant industry. The strategy stands
        stations  during  the  mentioned  period,  imposed  fines  on  MNOs   on  five  pillars:  capacity  building,  partnerships,  strengthening  of
        who did not meet quality standards, enhanced network coverage   foundations, policy development, and electronics manufacturing
        on main roads, and implemented 199 seizures of signal boosters   hubs.   Talaat added that capacity building is the cornerstone of
        (repeaters) and unauthorized devices. (February 6, 2023)  the electronics industry development. He explained that Egypt has
                                                               a rich talent pool, where 250,000 graduates in science, technology,
        The  Minister  of Communications  and  Information  Technology   engineering,  and  mathematics,  50,000  of  whom  graduate  from
        Amr  Talaat  opened,  today,  the  Global  Semiconductor  Alliance   the Faculty of Engineering. Talaat emphasized the efforts made
        (GSA) 2023 Egypt Summit, in Cairo. The Summit is the inaugural   by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
        event  of  GSA  Egypt,  established  in  collaboration  with  the   (MCIT)  to  invest  in  building  youth’s  digital  capabilities,  resulting

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