Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  Communications,  Space  and  Technology  (CST)  and  the   During  the  signing  ceremony,  the  National  Water  Company  was
        Middle East Cloud and Digital Transformation Company Limited   represented  by  H.E.  Eng.  Mansour  Al  Mushaiti,  Vice  Minister  of
        “CNTXT”  have  signed  a  memorandum  of  understanding  during   Environment, Water and Agriculture and Chairman of the Steering
        LEAP23,  which  aims  to  promote  cloud  services  that  contribute   Committee  of  the  Water  Regulator,  while  the  Communications,
        to  the  Kingdom's  digital  economy,  develop  the  national  cadres,   Space,  and  Technology  Commission  was  represented  by  H.E
        and  enable  various sectors by  providing  leading  technologies   Dr.  Mohammad  Altamimi,  CST  Governor.  The  MOU  will  assist
        and  solutions  that  accelerate  innovation  and  support  digital   the  parties'  efforts  in  maximizing  the  benefit  of  water  sector
        transformation. At the ceremony, CST was represented by Mr. Raed   infrastructure  to  expand  fiber  optics  coverage  in  the  Kingdom,
        Alfayez, the Deputy Governor for IT and Emerging Technologies,   exchanging information and support based on each party's area
        while CNTXT was represented by Engineer Abdullah Jarwan, the   of  expertise  in  order  to  find  an  effective  fiber  optics  extending
        CEO of CNTXT. According to CST, the MoU aims to develop the   mechanism.  It  is  expected  to improve  telecom  infrastructure
        cloud computing sector by attracting value-added tech companies   and  provide  fiber  optics  to  homes  by  sustaining  infrastructure,
        known as independent software vendors (ISVs) that are hosted in   lowering  network  delivery  costs,  increasing  user  access,
        public cloud environment to serve the various benefited sectors,   innovating  solutions  to  improve  service  quality,  and  reducing
        as well as to develop national cadres in a way that supports the   drilling  and  extending  impacts.  CST  is  the  Kingdom's  regulator
        Kingdom's 2030 vision development and economic goals. Over the   for  communications,  space  and  technology  and  is  in  charge  of
        course of three years, the MoU will contribute in Identifying and   monitoring  and  utilizing  the  sector's  technologies  and  services,
        reaching out to more than 100 ISVs, attracting approximately 25   whereas the water regulator is responsible for organizing water
        companies to the Saudi market, developing more than 500 national   service activities in the water system. (January 30, 2023)
        specialists, and providing more than 120 training opportunities in
        collaboration  with  these  specialized companies. CST regulates   The  Communications,  Space  &  Technology  Commission  (CST)
        and  develops  the  cloud  computing  sector,  as  well  as  provides   announces  the  formation  of  Space  Entrepreneurship  Alliance
        regulatory and motivational initiatives to support the development   achieve  growth and  sustainability  in  the  sector and  develop  a
        of this promising sector. CNTXT is a joint venture between Saudi   strong  foundation  to  support  entrepreneurs  in  the  Kingdom's
        Aramco  and  the  Norwegian  company  COGNITE,  it  is  also  the   space  sector.  The  alliance  announced  during  the  Commission's
        exclusive Google Cloud partner in the Kingdom.         participation in the seventh edition of the "Garage Disrupt" event,
        (February 9, 2023)                      where Mr. Frank Salzgeber, Acting Deputy Governor of the Space
                                                               sector at CST, has explained that the alliance aims to create an
        H.E.  Eng.  Abdulrahman  AlFadley,  Minister  of  Environment,   entrepreneurial  ecosystem  in  the  Space Sector and  will  be  a
        Water, and Agriculture, and H.E. Eng. Abdullah Alswaha, Minister   platform to gather stakeholders to support Saudi entrepreneurs in
        of  Communications  and  Information  Technology,  witnessed   innovation, the Garage is the first to join this alliance. In addition,
        the  signing  of a memorandum of understanding  between  the   Mr.  Frank  pointed  out  that  the  Alliance  aims  to  create  a  strong
        Communications,  Space,  and  Technology  Commission  (CST)   foundation  for innovation  and  entrepreneurs  in  Saudi  space
        and  the  Water  Regulator  in  the  Water  Regulator's  headquarter   sector, by providing access to resources and services like shared
        in Riyadh, which relies on innovative solutions that increase the   workspaces and technical labs, as well as support initiatives like
        benefit  of  infrastructure,  with  the  goal  of  utilizing  the  current   accelerator programs, workshops, and Hackathons. The Alliance
        infrastructure  of  the  National  Water  Company  (NWC)  to  extend   also seeks to connect entrepreneurs with investors and experts
        fiber optics, to enable and accelerate the deployment of the fibers   in the field. The Garage Disrupt is a monthly event to gather tech
        in the Kingdom, which will contribute to the time, cost, and quality   startups and investors with the presence of representatives from
        of the provided services while ensuring continuity of service for   the public and private sectors to promote growth and sustainability
        users and integration between parties to serve the public interest.  for startups. (January 25, 2023)

                                                                                               South Sudan

        The Council of Ministers has approved the allocation of USD4.48   fees.  The  government  claims  that  Vivacell  failed  to obtain  a
        million  to appeal  a court  case brought against  the  government   new  operating  license  after  South  Sudan  gained  independence,
        by former mobile operator Vivacell, reports Eye Radio. Vivacell’s   and instead continued to operate under the license awarded by
        operating  license  was  suspended  by  the  government  in  March   Sudan which gave it an exemption from paying taxes and fees.
        2018, after the cellco failed to pay the required taxes and license   Parent company Al Fattouch Group countered that its operating

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