Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has directed set any deadline for shifting to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6),
telecom operators and internet service providers (ISPs) to upgrade which is used to identify devices on a network and route traffic
their internet protocols to IPv6 technology. “The instructions have between them. IPv6 is an upgradation from the existing version
been issued with a focus on innovation and digitalization, as of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), but the new version has
IPv6 technology was the latest version of internet protocol (IP),” enhanced internet layer protocol and provides end-to-end datagram
the PTA has said. However, the telecom sector regulator has not transmission across multiple IP networks. (January 23, 2023)
Qatar participated in the 29th Meeting of the Cooperation above the OECD average. Also, it shows that since 2017, prices
Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) Committee for for fixed broadband and mobile voice and data services in Qatar
Under-Secretaries of Post and Telecommunications, conducted have decreased, while prices for fixed voice, mobile broadband,
via videoconferencing technology. Qatar's delegation was and leased lines services have largely remained static. To develop
headed by Hassan Jassim Al Sayed, Advisor to the Minister of the necessary regulatory instruments, CRA ensures conducting
Communications and Information Technology for Technical studies and monitoring the state of the telecom market in Qatar in
Affairs, along with several officials from the Communications comparison with similar markets at the regional and international
Regulatory Authority (CRA) and Qatar Postal Services (Qatar levels. This supports CRA to effectively regulate the telecom
Post). The Committee discussed the topics on the agenda of sector towards its development for the benefit of both the service
the meeting, the most important of which is the unified draft law providers and telecom consumers. (January 17, 2023)
regulating the activities of private companies and institutions
working in the field of express post and parcels. It also approved The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) issued the
the guiding framework for the protection of personal information document for the Standard on Inbuilding Wiring, in accordance
of the citizens of the GCC States, and the recommendations of the with its powers stipulated in the Telecommunications Law. The aim
working group to study the reduction of the prices of international is to urge property developers, consultants, and building owners
connectivity between the GCC States. The Committee for Under- to work with licensed telecom Service Providers, and follow the
Secretaries of Post and Telecommunications also agreed to form specifications stipulated in the document’s framework at an early
a working group headed by Qatar to consider the measures that stage, each according to its responsibilities. The Standard includes
must be taken with regard to the establishment of unlicensed a set of technical guidelines, specifications, requirements, and
wireless networks that are used for mining cryptocurrencies. procedures for internal wiring of various building types such as
The Committee was briefed on the joint action plan between the multi-dwelling units, a compound of villas, schools, warehouses,
GCC and the People's Republic of China. Finally, the Committee and labor accommodation. CRA has developed the Standard
considered the outputs of the meeting of the temporary team to achieve a set of objectives, including setting a common and
formed to analyze and document the lessons learned from the neutral standard as well as requirements for inbuilding wiring that
Covid-19 pandemic, with the aim of coming up with the required are similar to best practice standards implemented globally and
recommendations and identifying the important role played by the facilitating the rollout of Fiber to the x (FTTx) networks and inbuilding
ICT sector in limiting the spread of the virus and recovering from it. mobile networks. Ali Al Suwaidi, Technical Affairs Department
(February 5, 2023) Director at CRA said: “The Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) sector is developing rapidly; therefore, CRA
The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has conducted was keen to develop the Standard on Inbuilding Wiring to balance
a benchmarking study on the prices for retail telecom services in current and future requirements and support the deployment of
the State of Qatar compared to the averages in the Cooperation fiber networks for the benefit of all stakeholders in the field and to
Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and the Organization contribute to the development of the ICT sector.” He added, “the
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to monitor Standard will be reviewed regularly, taking into consideration new
the state of the telecom market in Qatar. The study is based on developments and experiences, to keep it current and guarantee
the Arab Regulators Network of Telecommunications (AREGNET) the optimal technical and commercial approach in the future. We
study and the 5 OECD price baskets: fixed voice, fixed broadband, look forward to the cooperation of all stakeholders in complying
mobile voice and data, mobile broadband, and leased lines. The with the Standard and contributing to its improvement.”
study's main findings are that prices for telecom services in Qatar (January 10, 2023)
are typically below or on par with the GCC average, while typically