Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        license waived all taxes and took the government of South Sudan   by the court, although the government is seeking to appeal this
        to the International Court of Arbitration, demanding USD3 billion   judgement  and  is  looking  to  hire  national  and  international  law
        in restitution. According to reports, it was awarded USD1 billion   firms. (January 24, 2023)


        The  Ministry of Communication  Technologies  has  announced   phase aims to extend coverage to 112 areas. The Ministry also
        plans to launch the second phase of its white spots (areas that   said the number of mobile base stations owned by the three main
        are  currently  uncovered)  coverage  project.  This  project  aims  to   operators will increase from 5,679 in 2021 to 5,903 by the end of
        expand access to broadband internet in Tunisia. It will do this by   2022. The three operators – Ooredoo Tunisia, Tunisie Telecom and
        highlighting  priority deployment areas  in  an effort to close the   Orange Tunisie – also share 1,289 radio sites to improve access
        digital divide between different areas of the country. Phase one   while reducing operating costs. In its statement the ministry added
        of  the  project  involved  coverage  of  so-called  white  spots  in  94   that  the  number  of  4G  antennas  in  the  country  increased  from
        areas,  providing  internet  access  for  more  than  164  schools,  59   5,614 in 2021 to 6,560 antennas in 2022, with a penetration rate
        basic health centres and 180,000 inhabitants. The first phase of   of around 65% by the end of 2022. This growth seems to underline
        the project also enabled the installation of 71 mobile phone base   the concerns of the June 2022 announcement in which the state-
        stations. According to the Zawya news service, the Ministry made   owned incumbent Tunisie Telecom said it wanted to get rid of 3G
        a statement earlier this week in which it said that, following the   to focus on 4G, a move driven, in part, by the rapid migration of
        completion of the first phase of this project in 2022, the second   many users from 3G to 4G.  (February 1, 2023)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government  Regulatory   or in the Gulf countries.” The workshop included training sessions
        Authority (TDRA) held the workshop “Management and Allocation   facilitated by a group of lecturers accredited by ICAO, such as a
        of Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum in the GCC Countries”,   session on planning and explaining aeronautical frequencies and
        in Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with the International Civil Aviation   standards, a session on the current frequency allocation plan in
        Organization (ICAO) and in coordination with the GCC Technical   the  Middle  East,  two  training  sessions  on  ICAO  frequency
        Office for Telecommunications. The workshop was attended by a   identification process in the Middle East, a training on the use of
        group of specialists from the GCC countries, in addition to UAE   the  approved  electronic  system for technical  analysis  and
        authorities  such  as  the  Ministry  of  Defense,  the  General  Civil   allocation through pre-prepared scenarios. The workshop, which
        Aviation  Authority  (GCAA),  and  representatives  of  airports  and   was presented by ICAO-accredited experts, included a presentation
        airlines in the UAE. The workshop shed light on the mechanism   on the  followed procedures  for aeronautical  radio  frequency
        used by ICAO to allocate air navigation and aviation frequencies   allocation and the requests’ analysis mechanism. The participants
        and the technical analysis mechanism of these frequencies. It also   received  training  on  the  use  of  the  ICAO  electronic  system  for
        reviewed the main features of the system used in the process of   allocating  aeronautical  frequencies,  ‘Frequency  Finder  Tools’.
        technical  analysis  and  customization.  It  focused on  the  latest   TDRA hosted this workshop as part of its endeavors to develop the
        methods and systems through which frequencies are allocated, to   capabilities of all stakeholders, provide them with the necessary
        ensure their use without any interference that may affect air traffic   skills  and  qualifications,  and  invest  in  building  capacities  and
        and air safety. Eng. Saleh Al Masabi, Director of Spectrum Services   national  human  cadres  in  line  with  the  directions  of  the  UAE
        at TDRA, said: “The aviation sector is one of the vital sectors that   Government and its future vision. The workshop is also part of the
        are  impacted  by  TDRA’s  scope  of  work  in  terms  of  reliance  on   efforts to develop the services provided to the aviation sector in
        aeronautical  radio  frequencies.  We,  at  TDRA,  attach  high   the  UAE,  facilitate  air  traffic  operations,  and  support  strategic
        importance to this sector based on its positive impact on the UAE’s   partners in the aviation sector to carry out their tasks and maintain
        global competitiveness. Hence the importance of this workshop,   the UAE’s leading position in this field. (January 17, 2023)
        which benefits workers in the aviation sector, whether in the UAE

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