Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 138
The Montenegrin government plans to conduct a The telecoms watchdog the Agency for Electronic
cost benefit analysis to determine the viability of Communications and Postal Services (EKIP) has
establishing a state telecoms operator, reports local announced that Crnogorski Telekom (CT), MTEL and One
news agency Mina. Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic told Montenegro all secured frequencies in the 700MHz and
Montenegro a meeting that the Montenegrin power grid operator 3.6GHz (3400MHz-3800MHz) bands in the 5G auction
Crnogorski Elektrodistributivni Sistem (CEDIS) has a staged late last month, with the three mobile operators
530km network throughout the country that could form agreeing to pay a total of EUR8.836 million (USD9.435
the basis for a new telecoms company. He suggested million). CT emerged as the most successful bidder,
a working group should be established to evaluate the paying EUR3.108 million for 2×10MHz in the 700MHz
infrastructure, the costs involved, its likely coverage band and a 140MHz block of 3.6GHz frequencies, while
and potential benefits. The Prime Minister was quoted both One and MTEL secured 2×10MHz of 700MHz
as saying the government must decide whether ‘we spectrum and 120MHz in the 3.6GHz band, bidding
create our own state operator and probably earn five EUR2.978 million and EUR2.750 million respectively.
times more, or lease [the infrastructure] to existing EKIP notes the available blocks of unpaired 700MHz
ones for much less’. ‘If we see that it makes sense, we band and 26GHz spectrum remained unallocated
can go one step further, and if not – no harm’s done’, due to a lack of interest from the operators. In terms
he stated, adding that he believes the venture would be of coverage obligations, the three operators will be
very profitable and have a positive effect by enhancing required to activate 5G networks in every municipality
competition in the market. Finance Minister Aleksandar of the country by the end of 2024, provide coverage to
Damjanovic also expressed support for the proposal. at least 50% of the country’s population by end-2026,
‘This is a good idea and we are going to ensure that and extend their 5G footprint to all populated places,
in the key EU countries and beyond, these services highways and main roads by end-2030.
are, among other things, under the state’s control,’ he (January 3, 2023)
reportedly told the meeting.
(February 14, 2023)
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia publication of the award in the Government Gazette
(CRAN) has launched the auction process to allocate and be renewable for a further period of ten years.
frequencies in the 700MHz (684MHz-790MHz) and According to the auction process timeline published
800MHz (790MHz-862MHz) bands for the provision of by the regulator, potential bidders have until 17 April to
Namibia 4G and 5G services. Under the terms of the ‘Request submit their applications. The eligible participants will
to Bid’, applicants must hold a Class Comprehensive be confirmed on 21 April and the auction held between
telecommunications service license (ECS & ECNS) or 24 and 28 April, with the results set to be announced on
Individual telecommunications service license (ECS & 30 June and spectrum licenses granted on 21 August.
ECNS), and will be required to submit a detailed business (February 22, 2023)
case, including their rollout plans for the next three years
aimed at expanding broadband connectivity in those The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia
regions with 4G population coverage below the national (CRAN) has confirmed it plans to allocate spectrum
target of 80%. The spectrum is reserved for use by 4G in the 700MHz and 800MHz bands in 2023, as part
and/or 5G mobile services providing mobile broadband of efforts to improve network coverage and quality
speeds of not less than 20Mbps and may not be utilized of service throughout the country. According to the
for 2G and 3G. The Authority will assign the frequency regulator, the additional frequencies should enable
user rights on a competitive basis by means of a operators to increase the current population coverage
spectrum auction under a beauty contest model, with from 85% to 88% without deploying any new cell towers.
three lots available as follows: (Lot A) 703MHz-723MHz ‘These two spectrum bands will also allow operators to
paired with 758MHz-778MHz; (Lot B) 723MHz-733MHz roll out 5G services in addition to 4G services, ensuring
paired with 778MHz-788MHz and 791MHz-801MHz the optimal use of the spectrum to foster digital
paired with 832MHz-842MHz; and (Lot C) 801MHz- inclusivity throughout Namibia,’ CRAN spokesperson
821MHz paired with 842MHz-862MHz. To ensure fair Katrina Sikeni told reporters. The watchdog revealed
and equitable access to spectrum, no participant will be last month it was preparing to issue 5G spectrum before
allowed to bid for multiple lots. The spectrum licenses March. (January 20, 2023)
will be valid for a period of ten years from the date of