Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        allows  for increased  throughput with  improved  system  gain  of   full-outdoor  architectures  can  be  integrated  directly  with  RAN
        up to 10 dB compared with traditional aggregation methods. This   and  IP  devices  with  common  management.  This  contributes
        is important in increasing the link distance or to optimize OPEX/  to  an  overall  reduction  in  network  energy  consumption  and  its
        CAPEX by removing the requirement for larger antenna or repeater   software features and automation help to achieve further energy-
        systems. Nokia is also introducing the Carrier Aggregation High   saving  targets.  “It’s  no  secret  that  capacity  and  radio  efficiency
        Density  (CAHD)  card,  which  adds  ‘single  pipe’  capacity  to  the   are  driving  the  market,  said  Emmy  Johnson,  Chief  Analyst,  Sky
        backhaul to support the link distance. The innovative CAHD module   Light Research. “According to Sky Light Research’s latest forecast,
        enables  10  Gbps  backhaul  capacity  over  multiple  channels  and   the high-capacity E-band market is expected to grow north of 60
        supports seamless migration from existing low-capacity backhaul   percent  in  2023. Nokia’s  newest  products answer  this  call  but
        to high capacity hence preserving an operator’s investment. Nokia’s   with the added benefit of high power and energy efficiency. The
        ‘Simplified RAN Transport’ solution optimizes radio access base   sustainability  and  power  metrics  are  impressive,  as  they  not
        station and microwave radio transport hardware to the minimum.   only  lower  TCO  but  also  help  meet  climate  change  guidelines.”
        This provides enhanced serviceability and operations without the   Giuseppe Targia, Vice President, Microwave Radio Links at Nokia,
        need for dedicated indoor microwave equipment. Nokia’s solution   said: “We are further strengthening our industry-leading Wavence
        saves 30 percent more energy versus a traditional microwave site   portfolio with the addition of these next-generation products. The
        solution, due to a reduced number of units and less air conditioning   winning combination of the UBX-m XP and the SteadEband offers
        requirements. Additionally, it also enables lower TCO and reduced   our customers a high-performance transport solution with leading
        site footprint. Nokia’s comprehensive Wavence portfolio provides a   capacity and  coverage  for both  urban and  rural  environments.
        complete microwave solution for all use cases covering short-haul,   Microwave links are cost-efficient and fast to deploy, representing
        long-haul,  E-Band,  and  SDN-based  management  both  for  mobile   a robust alternative to fiber backhaul.”
        operators and Enterprises.  Its  zero-footprint implementation  for

        Nokia Upgrading VodafoneZiggo Network with IP Routing Solutions

        Nokia has been selected to upgrade VodafoneZiggo’s nationwide   all  service  traffic  and  provide  a  more  than  three  times  capacity
        IP  routing  network  in  the  Netherlands,  with  the  aim  of  enabling   increase, with 800GE routing interfaces, and a 75% power saving
        new generation fixed and mobile services including 5G, and to pro-  over previous generations. Backwards compatibility and program-
        vide sufficient scale and quality of service (QoS) for the anticipat-  mability will extend solution lifespan to support future evolution of
        ed growth in network traffic and advanced services over the next   network standards and services. Leo-Geert van den Berg, Director
        decade. Nokia’s press release says that this part of the network,   of Fixed Networks at VodafoneZiggo, said: ‘We are now opening a
        which  spans  350  locations,  reliably  and  deterministically  trans-  new chapter in the long relationship with Nokia with this IP routing
        ports  terabytes  of communication  and  entertainment  services   deal. This solution with its product features will allow us to aggre-
        delivered to VodafoneZiggo’s consumer and business customers.   gate the traffic from cable, fiber and mobile access services, and
        VodafoneZiggo  will  deploy  redundant  Nokia  7750  SR-1  routers,   help us evolve our IP network to match the growing customer base
        to enable  network convergence  with  performance  certainty  for   and capacity requirements.’

        Nokia and Telefonica Successfully Test 25G PON Technology for the First

        Time in Spain

        Nokia  announced that Telefonica Spain  has  successfully  trialed
        25G PON technology. The trial, the first in Spain to demonstrate
        symmetric  speeds  of  20  Gbps,  showed  that  the  state-of-the-art
        25G PON can co-exist with Telefonica’s existing GPON solution.
        Telefonica,  with  almost  60  million  FTTH  homes  passed  already
        deployed in their multiple business units, has validated with this
        trial  that  current  GPON  and  XGS-PON  broadband  technologies
        can co-exist seamlessly on the same fiber with the 25G PON. High
        speeds aligned with low latency, get the network ready for future   give us even more opportunities than home connectivity. With their
        exciting applications like the Metaverse. 25G PON delivers huge   massive uptick in  capacity we’ll  be able  to offer new business
        symmetrical bandwidth  capacity that  will  support  new use  cas-  services on the same network.” Bjorn Capens, VP Europe, Nokia
        es and bandwidth requirements. Gonzalo Garzón, Head of Fixed   Fixed Networks, said: “Thanks to our Quillion chipset, this 25G PON
        Access at Telefónica España at Telefonica, said: “Telefonica was   proof of concept with Telefonica has demonstrated that the huge
        the first operator in Spain to provide gigabit connectivity, but we   bandwidth-capacity can be easily added to their existing networks,
        are not stopping there. Consumer bandwidth demands never halts   co-existing with their existing PON technologies. This means cus-
        and exciting applications, like VR gaming, will always be evolved   tomers on the same fiber line can be served with GPON, XGS-PON
        to make the most of available bandwidth. New FTTH technologies   or 25G GPON, making it much easier to manage upgrade cycles.”
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