Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Huawei OptiX OSN 9800 Ranked as Leader with the Highest Score in Core

        Packet-Optical Platform by GlobalData

        Huawei  OptiX  OSN  9800  series  has  been   thereby meeting  capacity requirements  in   optical switching  and easily  addressing
        ranked  as  a  "Leader"  with  the  highest   the  next  10  years.  It  can  flexibly  process   digital floods. The OptiX OSN 9800 series
        score  in  Core  Packet-Optical  Platform   various switching  granularities  ranging   is  comprised  of  Huawei's  flagship  WDM
        by GlobalData  in  its  latest  report  Core   from  2  Mbit/s  to  100  Gbit/s,  provide  a   products,  including  U64E,  U32E,  M24,
        Packet-Optical   Platform:   Competitive   complete range of  ports, and support the   and  P32/P32C  subracks.  This  series  is
        Landscape  Assessment.  This  series  of   largest  number  of client-side  services in   applicable  to integrated  transmission
        optical  products substantially  exceeds   the  industry.  This  series  uses  a  flexible   scenarios such as home broadband, mobile
        product class average and can better meet   optical-electrical convergence architecture,   bearer,  enterprise  private  lines,  and  Data
        the requirements of new services in terms   supports simplified optical-layer solutions,   Center  Interconnection (DCI).  It provides
        of  traffic,  latency,  network  robustness,   and  provides  powerful  optical-layer  the optimal E2E transmission solution for
        and  flexibility  in  addition  to  supporting   protection  capabilities  to ensure  high   backbone and  metro networks. Looking
        the  evolution  of carrier networks  to  all   service availability and flexible grooming. In   ahead,  Huawei  will  continue  to  achieve
        clouds. WDM/OTN are gears used behind   addition, Huawei OptiX OSN 9800 P32/P32C   technological  innovations  in  optical
        the  scene  on communications network   is  the  world's  first  commercial  all-optical   transport  solutions  and  work  with  global
        backbone  &  Metro.  The  OSN  9800  series   cross-connect product ready for large-scale   carriers to build  future-oriented  all-optical
        is  an  optical-electrical  type  WDM/OTN   applications. It provides Pbit/s-level optical   networks  with  optimal  service experience
        that  can transmit  data  carried by optical   switching  per  subrack,  achieving  efficient   and total cost of ownership (TCO).
        fiber.  Compared  with  competitors,  OSN
        9800  series  products  feature  ultra-large
        capacity,  ultra-high  integration,  and  ultra-
        low power  consumption. GlobalData  is  a
        leading  consulting  company in  the  global
        ICT  field,  providing  professional  market
        research,  forecast,  and  vendor  analysis
        information for industries. According to the
        Core Packet-Optical Platform: Competitive
        Landscape Assessment, Huawei OptiX OSN
        9800 series is ahead of products offered by
        mainstream equipment  vendors  in  terms
        of  line  interfaces,  switching  capacity  and
        features, port capacities, transport features,
        network   management,   and   physical
        attributes. Huawei OptiX OSN 9800 series
        supports single-wavelength 800 Gbit/s and
        Super  C+L  band  ultra-wide  spectrum,  and
        provides  96  Tbit/s  line  capacity  per  fiber,

                                             Nokia Gets Nod for NOW Telecom 5G SA Network

        NOW Telecom has selected Nokia-owned Bell Labs Consulting to
        design its planned 5G Standalone (SA) network in the Philippines.
        As  part  of  the  plan,  the  telco  will  launch  a  pilot  5G  network  in
        parts of Metro Manila backed by its previously announced funding
        agreement with the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).
        Work on the project will begin next month the vendor said, with the
        proof of concept (POC) slated to be carried out in July 2023. In
        addition, Nokia will help NOW Telecom secure funding for the 5G
        SA rollout as the latter seeks to launch fixed wireless access (FWA)
        and enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) 5G services by 2024.
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