Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 52


        Nokia and Viettel Successfully Complete Deployment of the First DWDM

        Network Operating at 600G Per Wavelength in Vietnam

        Nokia  announced  the  completion  of  the  first  DWDM  network   coherent transport solutions, we’ll be able to optimize our cost for
        operating at 600G per wavelength with Viettel, Vietnam’s largest   both CAPEX/OPEX and stay secured for future expansion. This is
        telecom service provider and one of the world’s top 20 telecom   truly a network built not just for today, but for tomorrow as well.
        companies.  The  network  uses  Nokia’s  innovative  PSE-V  super-  We wish to work with Nokia to evolve our network even further.
        coherent  optical  engines  (PSE-Vs),  transmitting  a  600Gb/s   Our network is now ready for 800G and we plan to reach 1Tbps/
        channel in the C-band to connect Viettel’s main core sites. This   channel and beyond.”
        new Data Center Interconnect solution will enable Viettel to meet
        future requirements for low-latency, high-capacity, robust network
        for  5G,  Cloud,  and  growing  consumer  demand  for  online  video
        and  internet  usage.  In  this  project,  Nokia  PSE-Vs  is  deployed  in
        Nokia’s  1830  Photonic  Service  Switch  platform,  and  will  enable
        Viettel to scale total network capacity to 25.2Tbps over C-band. In
        addition, the existing C-band system can be seamlessly upgraded
        to  C+L  band  by  adding  L  band  components,  which  will  double
        the network capacity. Rubén Morón Flores, Head of Market Unit
        Vietnam at Nokia, said: “We are pleased to work with Viettel as a
        strategic partner. This project was the first in APAC to use our PSE-
        Vs chipset & implemented during the height of Covid pandemic.
        Its  success showcases  our strong  partnership  and  unwavering
        commitment to maintaining leadership by delivering latest optics
        technologies and solutions to Viettel.” Nguyen Khac Tinh, Optics
        Principal Architect of Viettel, said: “This project is very important
        to Viettel to fulfil the high demand for transmission capacity which
        increases dramatically every day. By using Nokia’s industry leading

        Nokia Extends Manufacture of Fiber Broadband Equipment into India

        Nokia  announced  that  it  will  extend  manufacturing  PON  optical   Linked  Incentive  (PLI)  scheme,  and  is  extending  its  production
        line terminals (OLTs) at its factory in Sriperimbudur near Chennai,   capacity  into  Chennai in response to  growing  demand.  Demand
        India. The decision comes in response to increasing demand from   for  fiber  is  also  shifting  to  new  regions  with  the  Asia-Pacific
        local customers in India, as well as international markets. Shifts in   region  seeing  strong  demand  in  markets  like  Japan,  India  and
        consumer behavior, from home working to data rich entertainment   Southeast  Asia.  Much  of  this  demand  will  be  seen  in  the  form
        services,  are  driving  demand  for  broadband.  This  demand  is   of fiber to the home (FTTH) but there is also significant demand
        matched  by  strong  institutional  support  with  significant  funding   from  mobile  network  operators  (MNOs)  as  they  deploy  5G  and
        from governments and private equity funds around the world that   need  next  generation  fiber  in  their  transport  networks  to  carry
        are driving investments in broadband and fiber connectivity. Nokia   the  expected  surge  in  data  traffic.  Nokia’s  planned  production
        is currently a participant in the Government of India’s Production   of PON OLTs in India will give a boost to expand the company’s
                                                               production  base  and  geographic  reach.  Sandy  Motley,  President
                                                               Fixed Networks at Nokia, said: “The importance and criticality of
                                                               high-speed broadband has never been more pronounced as it is
                                                               today.  As  the  momentum  towards  5G  networks  and  new  hybrid
                                                               usage  models  push  operators towards  increasingly  distributed
                                                               network  architectures,  service  providers  are  investing  in  fiber  to
                                                               build out and upgrade their existing networks. Nokia is the leader in
                                                               FTTx solutions globally and is innovating rapidly to introduce next
                                                               generation PON solutions. We are happy to add the manufacturing
                                                               capacity in India to better address increasing demand in the region
                                                               and  worldwide.  Sanjay  Malik,  SVP  and  Head  of  India  Market  at
                                                               Nokia, said: “India is seeing massive demand for fiber connectivity
                                                               from  both  fixed  and  mobile  operators.  OLT  production  at  our
                                                               Chennai plant will offer a timely boost to meeting this demand in
                                                               a timely way.

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