Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 11


                                             SAMENA Council On

                                  Innovations for Telecom Operators

        TPT Global Tech Joins SAMENA Council to Bring VüMe Live Super App and

        other High Value Partnership Innovations to Telecom Operators in the SA-
        ME-NA & Africa Regions

        The SAMENA Telecommunications Council   business  growth  and  facilitate  their   the Telco to TechCo evolution. TPT Global
        (,   a   leading   evolution  into Super App providers.  The   Tech's  advanced  technology  will  be
        regional  trade  association  and  a  private-  VüMe Live Super App (www.vumesuperapp.  instrumental  in  enhancing  operator
        sector  representative body, serving as a   com), TPT Global Tech's flagship product,   capabilities,  developing  new revenue
        unified  voice  for  Telecom  Operators,  is   integrates communications, entertainment,   models, and  delivering  superior customer
        pleased to announce that TPT Global Tech   e-commerce, and digital payment services   experiences." Stephen J. Thomas, Chairman
        (  has  officially   into  a  single  platform.  VüMe  Live  ’s  next-  & CEO of TPT Global Tech, stated: "Joining
        joined  as  a  new  member.  This  strategic   generation  platform enables telecom   the  SAMENA Council  represents  a
        partnership underscores TPT Global Tech's   operators to expand their service offerings,   significant  milestone  for TPT  Global Tech
        commitment    to    driving   digital  accelerating  digital  adoption  throughout   as we expand our presence in the Middle
        transformation across the Middle East and   these  rapidly  evolving  regions.  Bocar BA,   East and Africa. The VüMe Live Super App
        Africa  through  its  VüMe  Live  Super  App,   CEO  &  Board  Member  of  the  SAMENA   equips  Telecom  Operators  with  tools  to
        offering   Telecom   Operators   a   Council,  welcoming  the  new  partnership,   deliver  personalized  services,  expand
        comprehensive  platform  to  enhance  expressed:  "We  are  delighted  to  welcome   product offerings, and strengthen customer
        customer engagement, improve operational   TPT Global Tech to the SAMENA Council.   relationships.  Through features  including
        efficiency,  and  diversify  revenue  streams.   Their VüMe Live Super App represents an   live  television,  video  streaming, digital
        As a SAMENA Council member, TPT Global   innovative solution for Telecom Operators   payments, and e-commerce functionality,
        Tech  will  contribute  to  regional  policy   in  the  Middle East  and  Africa  by   operators can attract and retain customers
        discussions,  digital   infrastructure  consolidating  multiple  essential  services   while  developing new revenue  channels.
        initiatives, and technological advancement.   into one platform.  This  aligns with  the   We  anticipate  productive  collaborations
        This membership enhances the company's   Council's  mission  to  promote  digital   with the SAMENA Council and its members
        ability  to  partner  with  regional  Operators,   transformation   across   the   region's   to   advance   the   region's   digital
        providing  essential  solutions  to drive   telecommunications  sector and  facilitate   transformation."

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