Page 9 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 9


                                             SAMENA Council On

                                Investment in Digital Transformation

        SAMENA Telecommunications Council and Influence
        Public Affairs Sign MoU to Strengthen Public Affairs, Policy
        Engagement, and Investment Facilitation in Egypt

        SAMENA Telecommunications Council and   Through  this  strategic  partnership,  IPA will  play a
        Influence Public Affairs (IPA) have signed a
        Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MoU)  to   key role  in supporting  SAMENA Council’s efforts to
        enhance   strategic  public  affairs    strengthen engagement with policymakers, regulators,
        engagement,  policy  advocacy,  and
        investment  facilitation  in  Egypt.  The   and industry leaders in Egypt by facilitating high-level
        collaboration aligns with government goals   discussions and promoting investment opportunities
        to drive  regional  cooperation, policy
        harmonization,  and  digital  transformation   in the country, in-line with Egypt ICT 2030 and Egypt
        across sectors and industries, with special   digital transformation strategies.
        focus   on   the   Information  and
        Communications Technology  (ICT) sector,   policymakers, regulators, and industry   partnership  aims  to  reinforce  Egypt's
        bringing  international  best-practices  and   leaders  in  Egypt  by  facilitating  high-level   position as a leading regional hub for digital
        success cases to Egypt. As a regional, non-  discussions  and  promoting investment   and technological innovation. Together, the
        profit industry association spanning South   opportunities  in  the  country,  in-line  with   two institutions will promote private sector
        Asia,  the  Middle  East,  and  North  Africa,   Egypt ICT 2030  and  Egypt digital   investment  in  digital  transformation
        SAMENA Council continually  acts as  a   transformation strategies.  IPA, a leading   projects,  as  well  as  support  the
        sector-development  partner  to regional   consultancy specializing  in  government   government's  efforts  to  enable  Egypt  to
        governments,  regulators, and  the  Industry   relations  and strategic  communications,   take full advantage of global developments
        for  the  joint  creation  of  a  flourishing  and   brings  extensive  expertise  in  bridging  the   in the telecommunications and technology
        sustainable  ICT  environment;  aid  gap between public and private sectors. By   sector,  in  partnership  with  specialized
        sustainable    growth,    incentivize  fostering constructive dialogue and policy   international  organizations  and bodies.
        investments,  and  broaden  value-creation   collaboration,  IPA aims  to create  a   This  strategic  co-operation  marks  the
        via  the  adoption  of new collaboration-  regulatory environment  that  enhances   beginning  of a long-term engagement
        driven  approaches  in  the  areas  of digital   investment  opportunities,  supports  focused on reinforcing public- and private-
        services, data  regulation,  industry fees  &   sustainable development, and encourages   sector collaboration,  government-industry
        taxation,  among  others.  Through  this   technological  innovation.  According  to   partnerships,  driving  policy reforms,  and
        strategic  partnership,  IPA will  play a key   Bocar A. BA, SAMENA Council’s CEO, and   positioning  Egypt  as  a  leading  hub  for
        role in  supporting  SAMENA Council’s   Walid  Ramadan, General  Manager of   digital innovation and telecommunications
        efforts  to strengthen  engagement  with   Influence   Public   Affairs   (IPA),   this   advancements in the region.

                                 This partnership aims to reinforce Egypt's position as a leading
                                 regional hub for digital and technological innovation. Together,
                                 the two institutions will promote private sector investment in dig-
                                 ital transformation projects, as well as support the government's

                                 efforts to enable Egypt to take full advantage of global develop-
                                 ments in the telecommunications and technology sector, in part-
                                 nership with specialized international organizations and bodies.
                                 Walid Ramadan, General Manager of Influence Public Affairs (IPA)

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