Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 10


                                           5G Core Transformation

        SAMENA Council Advocates Advancing Business and ICT Visions through
        Regulatory Enablement of 5G Standalone Networks; Highlights a Universal
        Financing Framework for Broadband Development

        SAMENA  Council  CEO  &  Board  Member,   “5G  is  a  glaring  reality;  a  door  to  new  possibilities,
        Bocar BA delivered a welcome address at
        the 5G Core Summit, organized by Informa   and  new  ways  to  collaborate  with  both  existing  and
        Tech in collaboration with Huawei, and drew   emerging  ecosystem  partner.  It  thus  demands  new
        upon the Council’s observations that digital
        transformation, technology integration, and   advancements and progress at the Core level. Without
        economic  diversification  are  some  of  the   5G Core, Operators, and the private sector, at large, and
        key drivers of new investments in advanced
        mobile networks. The Summit focused on   across  all  industry  segments,  simply  cannot  benefit
        Intelligent Core trends, Network Resilience   from 5G’s major and real capabilities.”
        and  Business  Models,  Operations  &
        Maintenance,  among  other  areas  of   Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member of SAMENA Council
        importance to mobile operators.
                                             case  exists  for  achieving  5G  deployment   advancing  the  5G  Core,  transitioning  to
        In his address, Bocar BA voiced the case for   flexibility,  operational  efficiency,  adopting   cloud-native 5G standalone, and ensuring
        drawing  true  value  from  5G  investments.   the   cloud-native   mindset   for   new   sustainable  investment  and  regulatory
        BA  remarked,  “5G  is  a  glaring  reality;  a   applications, and thus fast-pacing digital-  agility. BA also deemed it critical to adopt
        door to new possibilities, and new ways to   service  innovation  across  the  SA-ME-NA   a  universal  financing  framework  for
        collaborate with both existing and emerging   region  and  neighboring  regions,  such  as   broadband  development,  which  SAMENA
        ecosystem  partner.  It  thus  demands  new   Central Asia. However, it is also important   Council has helped create as a part of the
        advancements  and  progress  at  the  Core   that  further  delays  in  capitalizing  on   work  done  by  one  of  the  UN  Broadband
        level.  Without  5G  Core,  Operators,  and   advanced  network  features,  new  digital   Commission’s leading working groups on
        the private sector, at large, and across all   services,  and  benefitting  from  5G’s  new   21st century financing and funding. “New
        industry segments, simply cannot benefit   revenue-generation streams be prevented.   methods  and  new  financial  instruments
        from 5G’s major and real capabilities.”  So far, such delays have primarily been due   have been brought to surface, and SAMENA
                                             to  the  fact  that  most  networks  have  not   Council is actively pursuing realization of
        Because  5G  Core  network  functions   yet implemented, or have not been able to   its proposition on this frontier with relevant
        are  completely  software-based  and  are   implement, advanced, intelligent 5G Core.  stakeholders,  including  with  renowned
        designed  to  be  cloud-native,  allowing                                financial  institutions  and  investment
        higher  deployment  agility  and  flexibility   Through  BA’s  address,  SAMENA  Council   groups”, BA stated.
        on multiple cloud infrastructures, a strong   promoted  the  need  for  opening  and

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