Page 14 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 14


        SAMENA Council Announces Outcome of ITU IAGDI-CRO Meeting at GSR-24

        The SAMENA Telecommunications Council
        announced the successful conclusion of the
        Industry Advisory Group for Development
        Issues and Private Sector Chief Regulatory
        Officers’ (IAGDI-CRO) meeting, which took
        place during the ITU Global Symposium for
        Regulators (GSR-24) in Kampala, Uganda.
        The meeting, chaired by SAMENA Council
        CEO  Bocar  BA,  brought  together  industry
        leaders,  regulators,  and  key  stakeholders
        to  discuss  the  pressing  challenges  and
        opportunities   in   achieving   universal

        The session navigated through the complex
        regulatory  and  business  landscapes
        shaping  the  digital  era,  emphasizing
        the  urgent  need  for  collective  action  to
        achieve  100%  connectivity.  Recognizing
        that  over  2.6  billion  people  worldwide
        remain  unconnected  to  the  internet,  the
        meeting  focused  on  digital  infrastructure   Highlighting  the  need  for  innovative   Funds (USF) to bridge the digital divide.
        development,   regulation   of   future   financing models, public sector funding,   •   Satellite Direct-to-Device (D2D) Services:
        technologies,  and  strategies  to  foster   and  the  reform  of  Universal  Service   Addressing   regulatory   challenges
        inclusive, sustainable connectivity.
                                                Bocar  BA  highlighted  the  necessity  of  ensuring
        Industry  participants  underscored  the
        necessity  of  intensified  collaboration   network  resilience  through  robust  infrastructure,
        between  terrestrial  and  non-terrestrial   comprehensive disaster recovery plans, and advanced
        service providers and regulators to address
        the  coverage  gap  and  adapt  regulatory   technologies  such  as  AI  and  machine  learning.  He
        frameworks.   Key   recommendations     stressed that proactive risk management and inclusive
        •   Market   Access   and   Investment:   connectivity  initiatives  are  essential,  particularly  in
          Establishing   fair   market   access   rural and underserved areas. Ba underscored the need
          conditions, ensuring spectral efficiency,
          reducing sector-specific fees and taxes,   for  adaptable  and  technologically  neutral  regulatory
          and  streamlining  licensing  regimes   frameworks  to  foster  innovation  and investment,
          to  enable  predictable  and  sustainable
          network investment.                   calling for public-private partnerships and broadening
        •   Rural Connectivity and Digital Inclusion:   the base for network investment.

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