Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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          for  satellite  D2D  services,  including   collaboration between public and private   stakeholders,  and  collaborating  on
          spectrum  coordination  and  licensing,   sectors  to  accelerate  deployment  in   global standards.
          to enhance connectivity in underserved   underserved  areas  and  implement
          areas.                               regulatory  “sandboxes”  for  testing  new   The meeting reaffirmed the private sector's
        •   Regulatory  Environment:  Creating  a   regulations.                 commitment  to  supporting  governments
          predictable  and  transparent  regulatory   •   Support   for   AI   and   Emerging   and regulators in achieving common goals.
          environment that promotes competition,   Technologies:  Emphasizing  the  need   Participants agreed to play a more active
          innovation, and long-term investment in   for dedicated institutional capacities for   role in digital development, promote ITU-D
          transformative technologies.         continuous  monitoring  and  guidance   Sector membership, and advance national
        •   Public-Private  Partnerships:  Promoting   on  AI,  engaging  a  broad  range  of   digital transformation agendas.

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