Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 11


           “New  methods  and  new  financial                                 Investment in 5G Core
           instruments  have  been  brought  to                 Most of the incremental value in the 5G-Advanced era
           surface,  and  SAMENA Council  is                    will be delivered by core network enhancements.
           actively  pursuing  realization  of  its             Investing  in  5G  core  for  Standalone  (SA)  architecture

           proposition  on this  frontier  with                 is  critical  for  Operators  aiming  to  fully  monetize  their
                                                                networks. Multiple challenges as well as opportunities
           relevant stakeholders,  including  with              exist  in  5.5G  deployments,  and  there  is  a  need  to
           renowned  financial  institutions  and               showcase the future of voice communication in the 5.5G
                                                                era and the groundbreaking solutions driving innovation.
           investment groups”                                   AI solutions could help overcome various network-level
                                                                and  service-level  hurdles.  The  transformative  impact
        Progressive digital-sector regulatory environment is fundamental   of  Level  4  Autonomous  Driving  Networks  on  reducing
        to achieving scale in 5G investments and, particularly, in creating   operational  costs  and  boosting  network  efficiency  are
        5G-Standalone networks. Collectively, the industry should aim to   integral.  5G  has  emerged  as  a  key  driver,  with  5GSA,
        eradicate unpredictability, enable cost-cutting through reduced   voice, telco cloud, autonomous networks, and 5.5G core
        licensing fees and reduced taxation or levies, align better with   being among key areas of importance in driving value out
        global efforts and trends, and foster the creation of a level-playing   of 5G.
        field for all players within the digital communications space.

           In 2023, SAMENA Council and Leading Stakeholders Embarked on a Groundbreaking Universal
           Broadband Financing Initiative

           SAMENA  Telecommunications  Council,  in  partnership  infrastructure expansion across other markets.
           with  esteemed  members  of  the  Advocacy  Taskforce
           of  the  former  UN  Broadband  Commission  Working  The meeting was a testament to the collective resolve to
           Group on 21st Century Financing Models to Bridge the  address prevailing connectivity gaps. It brought together
           Connectivity  Gap,  including  Smart  Africa  and  Digicel,  ICT  ministers,  leaders  from  the  ICT  industry,  funding
           chaired  a  pivotal  Broadband  Development  Financing  groups,  Telecom  Operators,  financial  institutions,  and
           Meeting,  held  at  Vodafone  Global  Headquarters  in  regulatory bodies, showcasing a unified front in tackling
           London on 27th November 2023. Attended by more than  digital divides still prevailing around the world.
           30  distinguished  delegates  from  various  sectors,  the
           London meeting marked a significant milestone in global  SAMENA  Council  believes  that  this  new  initiative  will
           efforts to bridge the digital divide and bring connectivity  have direct impact on broadband affordability, sustainable
           to the unconnected, including in the SA-ME-NA region  investments in the digital infrastructure and innovation,
           and neighboring regions.                            and would help Telecom Operators and other stakeholders
                                                               achieve  new  milestones  in  collaboration.  SAMENA
           The meeting’s central achievement was the establish-  Council also extends heartfelt gratitude to all attendees
           ment of the foundational elements for a new Universal  for  their  valuable  contributions  and  an  unwavering
           Broadband  Financing  Framework.  This  groundbreak-  commitment to this initiative. Together, the participants
           ing initiative is set to commence with implementations  have set in motion a transformative endeavor poised to
           in Nigeria and Rwanda, underscoring a commitment to  make significant strides in connecting the unconnected,
           enhancing  digital  inclusion  through  broadband  con-  making  progress  on  the  SDGs,  and  fostering  a  more
           nectivity, thus setting a precedent for future broadband  digitally-inclusive world.

                                                                                                11  JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024
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