Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 38


        Huawei Launches F5G-A Series Products for Five Industrial Intelligence

        At HUAWEI CONNECT 2024, Huawei successfully held the optical
        summit themed "Accelerate F5G-A, Amplify Intelligence". At the
        summit, Huawei launched new F5G Advanced (F5G-A) products
        based on the "3 In 3 Out" trends, with an aim to boost industrial
        intelligence. "Facing the intelligent era, the optical industry has
        accelerated its '3 In 3 Out' trends," noted Bob Chen, President of
        Huawei Optical Business Product Line, at the summit. "More than
        9000 all-optical campuses around the world have implemented
        Fiber-in  Copper-out.  In  terms  of  fgOTN-in  SDH-out,  SDH  has
        been  replaced  by  fgOTN  in  industries  such  as  electric  power
        and transportation, and large-scale fgOTN deployment has been
        started. For Optical-sensing-in Hard-work-out, optical fiber sensing
        has been commercially used in more than 80 cases. Huawei calls
        on all industry customers and partners to seize new '3 In 3 Out'
        opportunities and accelerate industrial intelligence together." "Fiber-  time from 15 minutes to 1 minute, achieving reliable and quick
        in Copper-out": For home network scenarios, Huawei launched a   meter collection. All this drives the digital and intelligent upgrade
        new Wi-Fi 7 ONT — OptiXstar EN8145 — to help ISPs upgrade its   of the electric power industry. Moreover, Huawei extends " fgOTN-
        service package from 100Mbps to 1000Mbps level, providing users   in  SDH-out"  from  WANs  to  data  centers.  For  ultra-large-scale
        with ultimate Wi-Fi experience while supporting high-speed access   intelligent computing cluster network, Huawei launched OptiXtrans
        of home storage. For campus scenarios such as classrooms and   DC808, an all-optical switch, to address issues such as difficult
        offices, Huawei has updated its FTTO 2.0 solution and launched   expansion  of  traditional  networks  and  low  reliability  caused  by
        the industry's first high-density and ultra-10Gbps optical terminal   failure-prone optical modules. With the all-optical cross-connect
        —  OptiXstar  P884E  —  achieving  12.5/25Gbps  coverage.  Four   OXC technology introduced to data center networks, the switch
        OptiXstar series Wi-Fi 7 optical terminals and optical gateways   supports flexible expansion of networking capabilities, eliminates
        (including W617E) have been released, covering hospitals, hotels,   the need for optical modules, and cuts the fault rate by 20%. In
        and  education  network  scenarios,  to  develop  a  new  standard   addition, it also supports long-term smooth evolution from 400G
        configuration for Wi-Fi 7 intelligent campuses. fgOTN-in SDH-out:   to 1.6T. Optical-sensing-in Hard-work-out: Huawei also released
        For communication networks in industries such as electric power   an intelligent gas leakage detection product — OptiXsense ES100
        and transportation, Huawei launched the industry's first optical   — based on spectral sensing technologies to ensure urban gas
        transmission product portfolio that supports the fgOTN standard   safety. Huawei's solution improves the precision by 40%, prolongs
        in an E2E manner — OptiXtrans E6600/9600 — helping to build a   the service life by 50%, and eliminates the need to replace batteries
        solid  and  reliable  communication  network  for  these  industries.   in 3 years. It has been in use in Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone for half
        In smart power distribution and consumption scenarios, Huawei   a year, with its precision and reliability fully verified. We call on
        released the high-speed power line communications (HPLC) dual-  all industry customers and partners to join us in seizing new "3
        mode solution, which raises the meter collection success rate to   In 3 Out" opportunities, and to accelerate industrial intelligence.
        99.9%. For 300 households, this solution shortens the collection   Together, we can achieve win-win results in the intelligent era.

        Huawei Announces Outstanding Partner Awards 2024

        Huawei held the Global Partner Roundtable and Global Partners'   the  award-winning  partners  and  acknowledged  the  significant
        Night, themed Grow Together, Win the Intelligent Era, on September   business opportunities and economic value brought about by digital
        18, and presented the Huawei Outstanding Partner Awards 2024   transformation. He also emphasized the importance of developing
        to partners who have made outstanding contributions in different   the "Partner plus Huawei" system and further optimizing Huawei's
        industries.  This  year,  there  were  14  award  categories,  with  90   processes and mechanisms to ensure partners are rewarded for
        partners being recognized. Among the awards, 60 were business   their efforts to create a positive business cycle. He explained that
        awards presented to global partners who utilized Huawei's products   the more that acceleration partners contribute, the greater benefits
        to  achieve  success  in  their  industries.  The  remaining  30  were   they should receive. He also noted that as association partners
        technology awards given to partners who focused on Huawei's   strengthen their capabilities, they stand to gain more. Both Huawei
        strategic products and solutions, collaborated  on technological   and its customers remain customer-centric. Huawei uses shared
        innovation, and made significant breakthroughs. During the award   benefits  as  a  bridge,  integrity  as  a  foundation,  and  rules  as  a
        ceremony, David Wang, Huawei's Executive Director of the Board and   guarantee. This allows Huawei and partners to grow together and
        Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board, congratulated   help  customers  achieve  business  success.  During  the  partner

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