Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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        Participants  were  provided  a  platform  to   sectors. Huawei experts presented industry-  integrates  essential  business  functions,
        engage  with  and  explore  innovative  ICT   specific  solutions,  including  the  Huawei   including  marketing,  transactions,  and
        solutions  across  sectors  and  discuss   Smart  Education  Solution,  Huawei  Smart   partner  operations,  offering  SMEs  a
        commercial  market  strategies.  The  event   Healthcare  Solution,  Huawei  Intelligent   powerful toolkit to thrive in the digital age.
        is  part  of  Huawei's  broader  strategy  to   Real Estate Solution, and Huawei Intelligent   The  roadshow  marked  a  new  chapter  in
        accelerate  digital  transformation  in  the   Finance  Solution.  The  company  unveiled   Huawei's  commitment  to  Kuwait  and  its
        ME&CA  region,  focusing  on  small  and   comprehensive  offerings  for  Kuwait’s   partners.  Beyond  commercial  success,
        medium-sized enterprises (SME) segments   government entities featuring its intelligent   Huawei remains dedicated to investing in
        within  key  industries.  In  his  opening   office  systems,  campus  networks,  and   local initiatives, nurturing local ICT talent,
        address, Mr. Jeff Zhu, Huawei Kuwait CEO   DCN-based  lightweight  data  centers   and  fostering  sustainable  partnerships
        emphasized  the  importance  of  digital   The  Huawei  Smart  Education  Solution   to  contribute  to  Kuwait’s  digital  growth
        transformation for Kuwait, stating, "Digital   features advanced network infrastructure,   journey.  At  MWC  2024,  Huawei  signed
        transformation has evolved to become an   secure data centers, and smart classroom   an  agreement  with  stc  Kuwait  to  build
        integral part of business strategy, essential   solutions,  while  the  Huawei  Smart   5.5G-based  intelligent  wireless  networks
        for  driving  growth  and  innovation.  In   Healthcare  Solution  consists  of  smart   and contribute to the development of the
        today's  dynamic  landscape,  embracing   wards,  medical  imaging,  and  hospital   ecosystem.  Huawei  also  teamed  up  with
        digital transformation is not an option but   network solutions. Huawei Intelligent Real   Zain  to  establish  an  Artificial  Intelligence
        a strategic imperative. By adopting digital   Estate Solution includes Fiber To The Office   (AI) Center of Excellence, showcasing the
        transformation strategies, businesses and   (FTTO) solutions for real estate, and Huawei   company’s  commitment  to  supporting
        government entities in Kuwait can unlock   Intelligent Finance Solution features secure   the telecommunications sector in Kuwait.
        unprecedented   growth   opportunities,   networks  and  storage  solutions.  At  the   Furthermore, at the recently held regional
        overcome challenges, build resilience, and   Huawei  ME&CA  Commercial  Roadshow   finals  for  Huawei’s  Seeds  for  the  Future
        enhance operations.” The event highlighted   in  Kuwait,  Huawei  unveiled  the  HUAWEI   2024   competition,   Kuwaiti   students
        Huawei's industry-specific solutions, each   eKit,  a  groundbreaking  platform  tailored   claimed  first  place  and  advanced  to  the
        designed to address the unique challenges   for  small  and  medium-sized  enterprises   global Tech4Good competition.
        and  opportunities  within  Kuwait's  key   (SMEs).  This  comprehensive  solution

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