Page 39 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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        roundtable,  Huawei  executives  and  26   develop tailored solutions that contribute   Corporate  Senior  Vice  President  and
        partners engaged in discussions about the   to  the  successful  digital  and  intelligent   President of Enterprise Sales concluded the
        opportunities  and  challenges  presented   transformation of industries. Together, we   roundtable, emphasizing the importance of
        by  digital  and  intelligent  transformation.   can help customers succeed and partners   Huawei-partner collaboration. Chen stated,
        Keynote  speeches  were  delivered  by  a   grow  their  businesses."  "Huawei  values   "By leveraging each other's strengths and
        number  of  partners  including  Koçsistem,   long-term relationships with its partners,"   innovating  side  by  side,  we  can  better
        Linewell,  and  Neuxnet.  Li  Peng,  Huawei's   Li  continued.  "Moving  forward,  we  will   serve  customers'  differentiated  needs
        Corporate  Senior  Vice  President  and   continue  to  work  openly  with  partners   and  achieve  shared  success.  We  are
        President of ICT Sales & Service, delivered   and  developers,  and  follow  the  principle   committed  to  maintaining  stable  partner
        opening remarks at the roundtable, saying,   of  shared  benefits  as  a  bridge,  integrity   policies,  fostering  healthy  and  mutually-
        "We hope to continuously collaborate with   as a foundation, and rules as a guarantee.   beneficial  relationships,  and  ensuring
        capable and willing partners, combine the   Together,  we  can  develop  more  targeted   that our partners gain real benefits." Chen
        capabilities and experience of both parties,   and scalable solutions, and drive success   continued,  "Let's  succeed  together  in  the
        dive  deep  into  industry  scenarios,  and   across global markets." Leo Chen, Huawei's   intelligent era."

        Huawei Unveils Industry-Specific ICT Solutions at Its Kuwait Commercial

        Huawei, a global leader in information and   forecasts that ICT spending in Kuwait will   Kuwait’s Vision 2035 outlines the country’s
        communications technology (ICT), recently   exceed $5.5 billion by 2024. With a strong   plans  for  digital  transformation  and  the
        hosted  the  Kuwait  edition  of  its  Middle   history of collaboration in Kuwait spanning   adoption of smart and digital technologies
        East & Central Asia (ME&CA) Commercial   over  a  decade,  Huawei  has  established   to  enhance  services  and  efficiencies
        Roadshow  in  the  St.  Regis  Kuwait.  The   itself as a key partner to local governments   across  key  sectors.  The  roadshow
        company  showcased  its  cutting-edge   and businesses. This roadshow reinforces   brought  together  key  decision-makers
        solutions  designed  to  empower  various   the company's unwavering commitment to   from  the  education,  healthcare,  real
        strategically  pivotal  sectors  in  Kuwait.   supporting Kuwait's digital transformation,   estate,  and  finance  industries,  as  well  as
        The  International  Data  Corporation  (IDC)   as  envisioned  in  Kuwait  Vision  2035.   carriers, integrators, and consulting firms.

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