Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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        resiliency, improve efficiencies and prepare for the next wave of
        innovation with AI.”
        Key Trends and Solutions for a Resilient Industrial Network
        Industrial  networks  are  becoming  more  interconnected,  with
        OT systems converging with enterprise IT, leading to a complex
        environment  vulnerable  to  cyberattacks.  Challenges  such  as
        outdated  systems,  a  growing  attack  surface,  and  a  strained
        workforce  are  making  the  situation  worse.  However,  AI  holds
        the potential to drive business growth for those who effectively
        leverage it to enhance industrial networks. Key highlights of the
        report include:
        •   Prioritize cybersecurity in OT plans: With 89% of respondents
          citing cybersecurity compliance as very or extremely important,
          organizations that neglect these strategies will waste energy,
          time, and money on attack mitigation—resources that could be
          better spent on innovation and growth in OT.
        •   Encourage IT/OT collaboration: A significant 41% of firms report
          that OT and IT teams work independently, highlighting the need
          for improved collaboration. To optimize and protect data and
          assets,  a  combination  of  human  and  organizational  factors,
          along with integrated tech solutions, is essential.
        •   Leverage AI for competitive advantage: 48% of respondents view
          AI as the most significant technological advancement impacting   OT.
          industrial networking in the next five years, and forward-thinking   The Cisco 2024 State of Industrial Networking Report draws on
          OT  leaders  are  using  it  to  differentiate  their  companies  and   data  from  a  global  survey  of  over  1,000  industry  professionals
          enhance product delivery. Organizations that fail to update their   across  17  countries  and  20  sectors,  including  manufacturing,
          infrastructure to utilize AI for efficiency, data analysis, employee   transportation, and energy. The findings represent insights from
          support, and cybersecurity will struggle to stay competitive as   management  to  C-suite  executives  at  companies  with  annual
          49% expect AI to improve network management across IT and   revenues exceeding $100 million.

        Cisco  and  HTX  Sign  MOU  to  Pilot  5G  and  AI  Technologies  to  Enhance
        Homeland Security

        Cisco, the worldwide leader in networking   the MOU at a ceremony at Cisco’s global   and  security  in  Singapore.  Both  parties
        and  security,  and  HTX  (Home  Team   headquarters  in  San  Jose,  United  States.  will  also  jointly  innovate  on  AI  security
        Science   and   Technology   Agency)   Cisco and HTX will collaborate on projects   operations.  Cisco  will  work  with  HTX  to
        announced the signing of a Memorandum   to improve the HTX’s 5G and AI capabilities.   build a customized Security and Network
        of  Understanding  (MOU)  to  pilot  5G  and   These projects aim to empower the Home   Operations (AISecOps) platform that will be
        AI  technologies  to  enhance  Singapore’s   Team to address evolving threats to public   hosted on-premise alongside HTX’s domain
        homeland  security.  HTX  Chief  Executive   safety in Singapore. The collaboration will   data. This will enable HTX to harness the
        M  Chan  Tsan  and  Cisco  Executive  Vice   leverage Cisco’s 5G-as-a-Service solution   power  of  generative  AI  and  identify  and
        President  and  General  Manager,  Cisco   to  develop  and  trial  different  5G  proofs-  address  advanced  cyber  threats  with
        Networking Mr. Jonathan Davidson signed   of-concept  to  improve  public  safety   greater  effectiveness.  HTX  is  the  first
                                                                                 organization  and  agency  from  Singapore
                                                                                 to  sign  a  MOU  under  Cisco’s  Country
                                                                                 Digital Acceleration (CDA) program. Cisco’s
                                                                                 CDA  program  aims  to  stimulate  global
                                                                                 digitization. Currently, Cisco is working with
                                                                                 national, state, and local governments in 50
                                                                                 countries  around  the  world  to  accelerate
                                                                                 their  national  digitization  agendas,  co-
                                                                                 develop cutting-edge solutions, and deliver
                                                                                 beneficial  services  to  their  citizens  more
                                                                                 effectively.  Cisco’s  CDA  programs  have
                                                                                 supported  the  creation  of  net  new  jobs,
                                                                                 promoted GDP growth, and helped nurture
                                                                                 innovation ecosystems.
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