Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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Eutelsat Ku-band Capacity Selected by InterSAT to Extend Its Pan-African
Satellite Services to Enterprise and Retail Customers
Eutelsat Group (has extended its EUTELSAT KONNECT satellite. Located at some of the world's most remote and
partnership with InterSAT one of Africa's the 70.5° East orbital position, EUTELSAT underdeveloped regions which represent
leading satellite service providers to support 70B offers a broad wide beam coverage a challenging environment for building
InterSAT’s growth in the Pan-African and four high-performance fixed beams, terrestrial communication networks.
enterprise and retail segments. Under the with a high degree of on-board connectivity. Leveraging our VSAT service expertise
latest multi-year strategic deal, InterSAT Commenting on the agreement, Hanif and our teleport infrastructure, we are able
will add Ku-Band capacity over Central and Kassam, Chief Executive Officer of InterSAT to use satellite communication to deliver
Eastern Africa on Eutelsat’s EUTELSAT said: ‘We are delighted to be able to rely on reliable and cost-effective connectivity
70B satellite to its current portfolio which Eutelsat capacity once again to support to remote and underserved areas while
already includes Ka-Band capacity on the our growth ambitions in Africa, home to assuring a high-end user experience for our
customers.” Ghassan Murat, Eutelsat’s RVP
of the AMEA region added: “We are honored
to be selected by our long-standing partner,
InterSAT, to accompany the further roll-out
of its services in Africa. The growth of VSAT
services in Africa is a testament to the
potential of this technology to transform
the continent's ICT landscape, connecting
more people and businesses than ever
before, as well as the ongoing relevance
of our powerful geostationary in-orbit
assets to deliver a compelling and reliable
connectivity service to the remotest areas.”
Eutelsat Group achieves Platinum Score in Space Sustainability Rating
Eutelsat Group, has announced that its on operational risk, Collision Avoidance able design and operations of the constel-
first generation of more than 600 satellites Capabilities; Data Sharing; Detectability, lation. "With our increased presence in both
in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) has achieved a Identification and Trackability; Application LEO and geostationary orbit (GEO), we re-
platinum rating in the Space Sustainability of Design and Operation Standards; as well main committed to the sustainable and re-
Rating (SSR), marking a significant recog- as the use of future External Services. By sponsible use of space” said Eva Berneke,
nition of the company's commitment to surpassing the 80% threshold, resulting in CEO of Eutelsat Group. “We are honored to
responsible space utilization. First imag- the highest-level rating, a platinum level receive SSR’s recognition and congratula-
ined at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Space Sustainability Rating score, Eutel- tions to the entire team for their hard work
the rating’s aim is to reduce the creation of sat Group's achievement underscores the and dedication to sustainable and safe op-
space debris, limit the risk of satellite col- Group’s dedication to prioritizing sustain- erations."
lisions, and help ensure space operations
are managed safely and sustainably. An
international consortium developed the
methodology behind the rating including
experts from the European Space Agency,
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
BryceTech and the University of Texas at
Austin. eSpace – EPFL Space Center was
chosen to operationalize the SSR and lead
its implementation in the hope to recognize
the space sustainability efforts of different
space actors, as well as recognizing com-
pliance and encouraging better-than-re-
quired behaviors. The SSR rating is based
on six modules, including: Mission Index,
which calculates the impact of spacecraft
45 MAY-JUNE 2024