Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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ogy advancement. This will create more President of Huawei's Institute of Strategy first Program advocates, Professor Xiong
possibilities as society embraces the op- Research, awarded certificates to the first Shengwu of the Wuhan University of Tech-
portunities and challenges arising from the 29 teachers to participate in the Program. nology, said, "We college teachers welcome
transition from the digital to the intelligent Huawei’s Developer Advocate Program not Huawei's Developer Advocate Program, an
era. The Program will promote industry-ac- only cultivates professionals who can mas- initiative that will bridge universities and en-
ademia cooperation, technical training, de- ter and use the company's open capabili- terprises in talent development and enable
velopment resources, various activities and ties, but also strives to help others navigate our students to apply classroom knowl-
platforms, and development operations. these technologies so that society can ben- edge in the workplace for better knowl-
Developer advocates impart technical efit from the thriving industrial ecosystem edge and occupational skills." Huawei will
knowledge and practical experience to oth- and innovation. "Our Developer Advocate broaden its platform of opportunities for
er developers through courses, textbooks, Program not only cultivates professionals global developers to propel innovation and
practice projects, technical communities, who can master and use our open capabili- development. For more information on how
contests, and technical promotion for joint ties, but also strives to help others navigate to apply, please visit: Huawei Developer Ad-
ecosystem growth and branding. Anyone these technologies so that our society can vocate Program.
meeting the application criteria is wel- benefit from the thriving industrial ecosys-
come to sign up. On June 22, Zhou Hong, tem and innovation," said Zhou. One of the
Huawei and China Mobile Win the TM Forum 2024 “People and Planet”
Excellence Award
During the TM Forum Digital Transforma- marine communications technologies. ing solution of "Land/Sea/Windmill Site +
tion World (DTW) 2024 summit convened in China is a large maritime nation, with over Resources Sharing + Intelligent Platform",
Copenhagen, Denmark, Huawei and China 32,000 kilometers of coastline, among the the joint team successfully constructed
Mobile were awarded the "People and Plan- world’s top. Its abundant marine resources offshore 5G base stations, overcoming the
et" Excellence Award in recognition of their hold immense potential for local economic obstacles of site selection, power supply,
outstanding innovation and implementation advancement. However, the complex and and backhaul in the offshore scenarios. By
of a Zero Carbon Ocean 5G Coverage and changeable marine environment, high-risk leveraging renewable energy sources such
Ocean Care. The awarded project demon- operations and the severe challenges of as wind and solar, and AI-based power stor-
strates how Huawei and China Mobile have environmental protection have always been age optimization solution, the joint team
deeply integrated 5G, AI, IoT and other tech- a difficult problem restricting the develop- achieved Zero Carbon 5G coverage across
nologies with the marine industry, driving ment of marine economy. Confronting the maritime expanse. Furthermore, they
the high-quality development of the ocean these challenges, Huawei teamed up with have actively explored collaboration with
economy and contributing to the marine China Mobile and its Jiangsu Provincial satellite companies, creating an integrated
ecosystem protection. The award of the Branch, have actively explored the applica- "Space-Sky-Sea" network to provide 100%
"People and the Planet" Innovation Excel- tion of mobile communication technology wireless coverage in coastal waters. This
lence Practice Project at the TM Forum is in the marine domain, providing innovative innovative initiative not only furnishes basic
a recognition of Huawei and China Mobile's solutions to the digital transformation for communication, social entertainment, and
innovation and contribution in the field of the maritime industry. Through the pioneer- entrepreneurial opportunities for offshore
workers, tourists, and fishermen, but also
supports the deployment of a series of B2B
innovative applications such as marine IoT,
smart waterways, and intelligent patrols,
while also constructing a marine emergen-
cy communication lifeline. The successful
implementation of this project has not only
enhanced the coverage and service capa-
bilities of China's marine communication
network, but also driven the digital and in-
telligent transformation and upgrading of
the marine industry. Through cooperation
with local research institutes and univer-
sities, and thanks to the Huawei's 5G net-
work, China Mobile has also applied artifi-
cial intelligence technology to wetland and
marine pollution analysis, making positive
contributions to the protection of the coast-
al ecosystem.
47 MAY-JUNE 2024