Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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Huawei and Partners Recognized for Demonstrating Use-Cases of AI
Huawei and its partners have won
two prestigious awards for cases
demonstrating practical applications of AI
in industry. First, during the recent AI for
Good Global Summit in Geneva on May 30-
31, the International Communication Union
(ITU) gave an award to Huawei and Hunan
Valin Xiangtan Iron and Steel's for their use
case of the Huawei Pangu AI Model in the
steel industry. Secondly, the World Summit
on the Information Society, an ITU event
held on May 30 in Geneva, awarded an
Excellence Certificate to Huawei and Saudi
Telecom Company for their "SmartTruck"
project, a mobile classroom that offers
digital training to seniors.
Award for use of AI in the steel industry
The first award was selected among sub-
missions called by the International Tele-
communication Union (ITU) to populate a
repository of AI-driven solutions for sus- velopment Goals (SDG) alignment, AI's im- es, and create AI applications through sys-
tainable development. The pilot release pact on SDGs and adherence to ITU scope. tem architecture innovation. These applica-
was announced at the recent AI for Good Li Jianyu, Chairman of the Board of Hunan tions will thrive "in the three major areas of
Global Summit, the leading United Na- Steel Group, called the Pangu Model for the network infrastructure management, com-
tions platform for dialogue on sustainable steel industry an innovative practice that fa- puting infrastructure, and data circulation
AI development, in Geneva, Switzerland. cilitates the application of AI to traditional infrastructure," he added. About 6,000 par-
The use of Pangu AI Model in the steel in- industries like steel. Cao Jibin, Senior Vice ticipants joined in person the ITU-organized
dustry stood out among hundreds of sub- President of Huawei and President of the AI for Good summit, which showcased
missions. Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy company's China Region, said Huawei will innovations in generative AI, robotics, and
Secretary-General of ITU, said the winning continue to work with partners to carry out brain-machine interfaces that can acceler-
use cases exhibited clarity, Sustainable De- large-scale innovative application practic- ate efforts to tackle worldwide challenges.
Leading CSP in Eastern Europe Deploys Nexign
Policy Management to Prepare for the 5G Era
A Tier-1 communications service provider automatic scaling in virtualized and experience more flexibly, and optimize
(CSP) serving a multi-million subscriber cloud environments with Nexign Network network usage in the face of increasing traffic
base has deployed Nexign PCRF/PCF, a Management System (NMS). Based on volumes. It is important for maintaining the
high-performance converged solution for implementation results, Nexign PCRF’s operator's competitiveness in the market,
dynamic policy management in 4G and performance exceeds that of the replaced as the subscribers' requirements for the
5G networks. It will increase the CPS's solution of a global PCRF vendor by 50%. CSP's service are expanding, and the
flexibility in offering complex mobile plans This significantly reduces total cost of load on the infrastructure is increasing,"
and bundles in 4G, as well as support the ownership (TCO) by decreasing hardware comments Sergey Karpov, Nexign's Chief
customer's aim of becoming the 5G pioneer requirements. "Being a leading CSP in Commercial Officer. Nexign PCRF/PCF
in its market. The solution allows monetizing the country, our customer had very strict fully complies with the 3GPP specifications
new 5G services and managing the quality requirements for the solution's flexibility, and 5G service-based architecture. It can
of experience (QoE) for partner services and reliability, scalability, and performance, and be deployed in any telco environment,
ecosystems in real-time. The architecture we managed to demonstrate them during including public and private clouds, and
of the Nexign policy management solution the delivery project. The solution will help supports network function virtualization
ensures high availability and a deep level the client accelerate the monetization of and horizontal scalability.
of automation and orchestration, including new services, personalize the customer
50 MAY-JUNE 2024