Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 46


                                             Huawei  EM2.0  Model:  Pioneering  the Digital

                                             Transformation Path for African Operators

        Africa  Carrier  Cloud  Transformation  Sum-  Crawshaw,  Head  of  Telecom  Transforma-  ment,  and  live  streaming  services,  while
        mit  2024  was  held  by  Huawei  during  GI-  tion at Omdia, emphasized in his keynote   accelerating the evolution from B2B indus-
        TEX AFRICA 2024, covering the theme of "   speech that cloud services are crucial for   try digitization to B2G national digitization.
        Enable  New  Growth  Beyond  Connectivity."   global  operators  undergoing  digital  trans-  Ultimately, this will create new growth en-
        Executives  from  regional  governments,   formation. Cloud services not only achieve   gines for Ethio Telecom. Ying Li, President
        operators, industrial organizations and an-  significant  cost  reductions  and  business   of Huawei Global Product Portfolio Market-
        alysts  had  in-depth  exchanges  on  the  ac-  expansion but also drive business innova-  ing and Solutions Sales Department, stated
        celeration  of  their  transformation  using  a   tion, build ecosystems, and become a new   that a strategic cloud partner for operators
        digital cloud platform, moving beyond con-  engine for revenue growth. Tariku Demissi,   needs to deeply understand telecom data,
        nectivity to create new growth avenues. At   Chief Technology Officer of Ethio Telecom,   networks, and applications. Huawei Cloud,
        the summit, Huawei and African operators   stated that Ethio Telecom will continue to   the fastest-growing cloud service provider
        jointly announced the establishment of the   deepen  its  digital  transformation  around   in  Africa,  has  proven  through  successful
        "Africa  Digital  Intelligent  Transformation   the "1 Cloud + 1 Network + 1 Entry + 2 Eco-  partnerships  with  over  120  global  opera-
        Pioneer Club," marking the beginning of a   systems" strategy. This involves creating a   tors, including Ethio Telecom, that Huawei
        new era in digital transformation for Africa.   platform economy through comprehensive   is the best partner for operators transition-
        Benjamin Hou, President of Huawei North-  coverage  of  payment,  social,  entertain-  ing to digital service providers.
        ern  Africa  Carrier  Business,  highlighted
        at  the  summit  that  digital  transformation
        for  operators  has  become  a  global  trend.
        Africa  is  embracing  a  window  of  digital
        economy  development,  providing  a  his-
        toric  opportunity  for  regional  operators
        in  transformation.  EM  2.0  is  more  than  a
        technology  upgrade.  It  also  exemplifies  a
        profound change in mindsets and models.
        By optimizing digital infrastructure, building
        a digital cloud foundation, deploying digital
        O&M platforms, and enabling diverse digi-
        tal services, promoting operators to trans-
        form from traditional network service pro-
        viders  to  digital  service  providers,  enable
        new  growth  beyond  connectivity.  James

        Huawei to Cultivate 3,000 Developer Advocates in the Next Three Years,
        Says Senior Executive Zhang Ping'an

                                                                                 Zhang Ping'an, Executive Director and CEO
                                                                                 of Huawei Cloud Computing Technologies,
                                                                                 launched  the  Huawei  Developer  Advocate
                                                                                 Program at the Huawei Developer Confer-
                                                                                 ence (HDC). Over the next three years, the
                                                                                 Program will cultivate 3,000 developer ad-
                                                                                 vocates, a diverse group including academ-
                                                                                 ics,  students,  and  developers.  Advocacy
                                                                                 empowers  developers  with  cutting-edge
                                                                                 technologies  and  promotes  ecosystems
                                                                                 such  as  Kunpeng,  Ascend,  HarmonyOS,
                                                                                 and  Huawei  Cloud.  Zhang  said  Huawei  is
                                                                                 committed  to  cultivating  developers  by
                                                                                 empowering  them  with  innovation-driven
                                                                                 creativity  and  breakthroughs  for  technol-

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