Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        Orange and Nokia Strengthen Collaboration with API Agreement to Accelerate

        5G Application Development in Europe

        Orange and Nokia announced that they are   the  tools  to  leverage  Orange’s  network   and  Orange  contribute  to  both  initiatives.
        expanding  their  partnership  to  advance   features,  develop  new  use  cases,  and   Orange  has  already  implemented  Linux
        network programmability and monetization.   create new value for developer and Orange   Foundation  CAMARA’s  guidelines  and
        Using  Nokia’s  Network  as  Code  platform   customers. As part of the first step in their   first  commercial  grade  APIs  are  available
        with  developer  portal,  developers  will   network  API  collaboration,  Orange  and   in  France  and  Spain.  Nokia  has  signed
        be  able  to  test  and  take  advantage  of   Nokia  will  co-host  a  "Network  as  Code   collaboration agreements with 12 network
        Orange's 5G network capabilities to create   Hackathon”  on  May  23-24  at  France's   operators and ecosystem partners around
        applications  for  customers  in  France   premier  tech  start-up  conference,  Viva   the  world  to  use  its  Network  as  Code
        and  other  parts  of  Europe.  Orange,  one   Tech. This hackathon will provide a forum   platform  with  developer  portal.  Laurent
        of  Europe’s  leading  telecommunications   for  developers  to  build  new,  innovative   Leboucher,  Group  CTO  at  Orange,  said:
        providers  with  more  than  280  million   use  cases  and  applications  using  Nokia’s   “We  are  very  pleased  to  open  another
        mobile  subscribers,  is  already  providing   Network as Code platform with developer   area  of  collaboration  with  Nokia  that
        commercial production grade network API   portal.  Going  forward,  as  part  of  the   enables compelling business use cases to
        capabilities to developers using the Orange   expanded  partnership,  Orange  and  Nokia   consume our network assets in ways that
        Developer Portal. Orange aims to accelerate   will  further  engage  with  the  developer   were not really feasible years ago. The level
        and further tap into the global ecosystem   community by enabling pre-commercial use   of collaboration among operators, system
        of  developers  and  unlock  5G  network   case support while leveraging network API   integrators,  developers,  and  partners,  is  a
        capabilities  such  as  dynamic  bandwidth   expertise and network capabilities provided   step  change  and  this  is  positioning  us  to
        allocation,  real-time  location  insights,   by  both  partners.  This  pilot  program  will   better tap the cloud-native capabilities built
        predictive  maintenance,  and  event-driven   become  available  progressively  in  select   into Orange’s 5G network.” Raghav Sahgal,
        triggers for security and safety responses.   European  countries  at  first  by  leveraging   President  of  Cloud  and  Network  Services
        To make that happen, Nokia’s Network as   Orange 5G Labs network. Nokia’s Network   at  Nokia,  said:  “This  is  an  important  step
        Code  platform  with  developer  portal  will   as  Code  platform  with  developer  portal   in our relationship with Orange and further
        provide application developers with access   brings  together  telco  networks,  systems   validation  of  the  steps  we  are  taking  in
        to  Software  Development  Kits  (SDK);   integrators, and software developers from   the API journey to help customers achieve
        Network  API  documentation,  a  ‘sandbox’   around the world into a unified ecosystem   network programmability and monetization.
        to  create  software  code  for  use  case   to accelerate the development of software   We  look  forward  to  our  continued  close
        simulation and testing; and code ‘snippets’   applications that can harness the untapped   cooperation  with  developers  to  create
        that  can  be  included  in  new  applications   capabilities  of  5G  and  4G  networks.   and  drive  new  opportunities  that  support
        in  addition  to  Orange  Developer  Portal.   The  platform  uses  technical  standards   Orange in delivering even more value from
        As  a  result  of  this  expanded  partnership,   produced through industry initiatives such   its network assets.”
        an  extension  of  Orange  and  Nokia’s  long-  as the GSMA Open Gateway initiative and
        standing relationship, developers will have   the  Linux  Foundation  CAMARA.  Nokia

        Nokia and Baktelecom Deploy Commercial XGS-PON Services in Azerbaijan

        Nokia  has  announced  that  Baktelecom,   to  improve  the  population's  well-being   Baktelecom  in  Azerbaijan.  With  our  fixed
        Azerbaijan’s  state-owned  operator,  is   with  high-speed  connectivity  for  all.  Tural   networks solution, Baktelecom can quickly
        deploying  its  XGS-PON  solution  to  help   Pirverdiyev,  acting  CEO  of  Baktelecom,   address its customers' evolving broadband
        bring  new  gigabit  services  to  residential   said: “We have always been committed to   demands  to  deliver  new  services  and
        and business customers across Azerbaijan.   bringing the best technology to Azerbaijan   applications  that  require  a  reliable,  ultra-
        Deployment started in March 2024, covering   to  meet  surging  data  demands.  With   fast  connection.  Their  network  will  also
        the capital city of Baku in the project's initial   Nokia’s XGS-PON, not only do we become   be  future-proof,  giving  Baktelecom  the
        stage.  Nokia’s  XGS-PON  solution  allows   a leading provider of these next-generation   flexibility  to  upgrade  to  25G  PON  in  the
        Baktelecom  to  bring  10Gb/s  broadband   services  in  Azerbaijan,  but  we  are  also   future  using  its  existing  fiber  network.”
        connections  to  home  and  businesses.   able to offer ultra-fast fiber connectivity to   Powered  by  the  Quillion  chipset,  Nokia’s
        Baktelecom will also deploy Nokia’s mesh   wholesale broadband providers and, in turn,   25G PON solution works alongside GPON
        Wi-Fi Beacons to ensure customers receive   to  residential  and  business  customers.”   and XGS-PON on the same fiber, allowing
        the  best  WiFi  coverage  and  performance   Bjorn  Capens,  Vice-President,  Network   Baktelecom to use its existing fiber network
        throughout  the  home.  With  Nokia’s  XGS-  Infrastructure  Europe,  Fixed  Networks   to offer true 10Gbs services and beyond to
        PON  technology,  Baktelecom  deploys   at  Nokia,  said:  “As  the  market  leader  in   its customers.
        XGS-PON  services  in  Azerbaijan,  helping   XGS-PON,  we  are  proud  to  partner  with

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