Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 51


                                             Nokia CEO Makes World’s First Immersive Voice

                                             and Audio Call

        The new 3GPP Immersive Voice and Audio
        Services  codec  is  part  of  the  upcoming
        5G  Advanced  standard.  The  call  was
        made  with  a  regular  smartphone  over  a
        public  5G  network  between  Nokia  CEO
        Pekka  Lundmark  and  Stefan  Lindström,
        Finland’s  Ambassador  of  Digitalization
        and  New  Technologies.  The  Immersive
        Voice  and  Audio  Services  (IVAS)  codec
        enables a spatial “surround” sound, which
        is  expected  to  have  used  in  enhancing
        extended reality experiences. Any devices,
        such  as  smartphones,  tablets,  or  PCs,
        can use this technology. Pekka Lundmark,
        President and CEO of Nokia, said: “We have
        demonstrated the future of voice calls. This
        groundbreaking  audio  technology  takes   spatial  and  massively  improved  listening   offering  significant  benefits  for  enterprise
        you to the caller’s environment creating a   experience  for  voice  and  video  calls,   and industrial applications.”

        Nokia Selected by Globe Telecom to Modernize BNG Network to Improve

        Broadband Experience in the Philippines

        Nokia announced that Globe Telecom will   management,  bandwidth  management   this  crucial  initiative.”  Kent  Wong,  Vice
        deploy its BNG solution in key areas in the   and  per-subscriber  policy  control.  Globe   President and Head of IP Business at Nokia
        Philippines,  including  North  Luzon,  South   Telecom  will  also  use  Nokia’s  7750  SR   Asia Pacific, said: “We have a longstanding
        Luzon, National Capital Region, Visayas and   Extended  Services  Appliance  (ESA)  to   partnership  with  Globe  Telecom  and  are
        Mindanao,  to  modernize  its  infrastructure   support  Carrier-Grade  Network  Address   now delighted to work on this initiative to
        and   provide   a   superior   broadband   Translation  (CGNAT)  and  Application   modernize the BNG network for an overall
        experience to its customers. Once deployed,   Assurance functions. Joel Agustin, Senior   improved  broadband  experience.  Our
        Nokia’s  solution  will  support  Globe   Vice  President  -  Network  Planning  and   industry-leading  BNG  solution  equipped
        Telecom’s  residential  wireline  postpaid   Engineering,  Network  Technical  Group  at   with  multi-access  gateway  capabilities
        and prepaid broadband services. The new   Globe  Telecom,  said:  “We  are  committed   is  based  on  7750  SR  and  powered  by
        solution will help Globe Telecom optimize   to  continuously  improving  our  network   our  breakthrough  FP  network  processor
        the Total  Cost  of  Ownership  (TCO),  it  will   infrastructure to provide the best possible   technology  and  proven  Service  Router
        also introduce a capability to support Fixed   broadband  experience to  our  subscribers.   Operating  System  (SR  OS)  will  help  build
        Wireless Access (FWA) services, enabling   Nokia’s  new  BNG  solution  introduces   a  scalable,  flexible  and  energy-efficient
        Globe  to  offer  the  solution  towards  Fixed   capability  to  evolve  into  a  flexible  multi-  broadband  network  and  pave  the  way  for
        Mobile  Convergence.  Nokia’s  solution   access gateway that can combine wireline   future  evolution  towards  Fixed  Mobile
        includes  7750  Service  Router  (SR),  which   and wireless access technologies, enabling   Convergence.”
        will be used as a BNG platform to support   us to further increase efficiencies. We are
        broadband   services   with   subscriber   looking forward to working with Nokia on

        Nokia Set to Supply 5G Equipment to MEO

        Nokia  is  expected  to  sign  an  agreement   two sources familiar with the matter. MEO   Network  (RAN)  equipment.  Since  2020,
        with the Portuguese operator. According to   is  one  of  the  three  major  national  mobile   Huawei  has  been  banned  in  the  U.S.  and
        reporting by Reuters, Nokia is set to secure   network  operators  (MNOs)  in  Portugal,   several  European  countries  over  security
        the deal, with an announcement expected   boasting  over  6  million  subscribers.  Up   concerns.  A  deal  with  Nokia  would  mark
        as early as next month. The news agency   until  now,  Huawei  had  been  MEO’s  sole   the  company’s  return  to  Portugal’s  RAN
        cites an internal Nokia blog post as well as   supplier  of  2G,  3G  and  4G  Radio  Access   market.

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