Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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        EU Institutions Back 5G FWA to Plug Fiber Gaps

        Representatives  from  the  European  Commission (EC) and other   “EIB supports FWA, as its economics are particularly well suited
        bodies  in  the  region  highlighted  the  benefits  of  fixed  wireless   to  that  kind  of sparsely  populated  environment  and,  thanks  to
        access  (FWA)  5G  deployments  during  an  online  event,  with   the lower concentration of traffic in those areas, FWA could be a
        the  technology  backed  to  aid  the  region’s  connectivity  targets.   viable VHCN solution capacity and quality-wise,” he added. Several
        Speaking at a regulator-focused Forum Europe event, EC head of   operators across  the  world  have  already reported  success with
        unit  for investment  in  high-capacity  networks  Franco Accordino   FWA and, although much of the discussion about the technology
        highlighted FWA’s role in aiding efforts to provide gigabit internet   is  on  it  becoming  an  alternative  to  fibre  in  rural  areas,  a  GSMA
        speeds.  “The  combination  of FWA with  5G  technology has  the   Intelligence report released earlier this year highlighted its potential
        potential  to  significantly  contribute  to  the  achievement  of  the   in more densely populated locations.
        European  connectivity  targets  set  for  the  end  of  the  decade,”
        Accordino told the Releasing the Potential of FWA in Europe event
        “If  properly  designed  and  deployed,  it  can  definitely  support  the
        gigabit  objectives  that  we  have  set.”  During  the  event,  FWA  5G
        received  support  from representatives  from a  number of other
        bodies  including  the  European  Investment  Bank  (EIB),  ETNO,
        Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) and national regulator
        association BEREC. EIB director of the department for innovation
        and competitiveness  Felicitas  Riedl  described  the  connectivity
        method as “a useful technological solution to mitigate the market
        failure of insufficient investments in very high capacity networks
        (VHCN) in less densely populated areas of the European Union”.

        FCC Seeks Input on Increasing A-CAM Broadband Speed Requirements for

        Rural Carriers

        The NPRM was created in response to a proposal for an Enhanced   •  Align specific proposals with Congressional intent, as well as
        A-CAM program filed with the FCC by a group of providers currently   programs at other agencies
        funded through the program known as the ACAM Coalition. The   •  Improve the administration of the high-cost program and better
        proposal  calls  for providers  receiving  Enhanced  A-CAM support   safeguard the Universal Service Fund
        to be required to deploy service at speeds of at least 100 Mbps   Providers and provider associations issued statements generally
        downstream  and  20  Mbps  upstream. Currently  the  minimum   voicing support for the A-CAM NPRM.  “NTCA deeply appreciates
        speed  that  providers  must  deploy  is  25/3  Mbps,  but  as  a  draft   the FCC’s ongoing commitment to universal service, which itself
        NPRM circulated by the FCC notes, that target doesn’t match well   is a program that requires ongoing commitment by providers to
        with the higher 100 Mbps speed target that has been established   serving rural communities,” said Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of NTCA—
        for the  $42.5  billion  BEAD rural broadband program that  will  be   The Rural Broadband Association. “We are grateful for today’s vote,
        administered  by  NTIA. (The  A-CAM program is  one  portion  of   and we are eager to move now to the next stage of the debate
        the  Universal  Service Fund high-cost  program for rural  rate  of   over how best to both realize and sustain universal service in rural
        return carriers and the high-cost program has a combined budget   America.”  “WTA  has  supported  the  FCC  releasing  this  proposal
        of about $2 billion annually.) The BEAD program initially targets   for  public  comment,”  said  Derrick  Owens,  Senior  Vice  President
        unserved areas, defined as those lacking 25/3 Mbps service, but   of  Government  &  Industry  Affairs  for WTA—Advocates  for Rural
        if all unserved locations in a state are served or slated for service,   Broadband.  “We’ll  continue  to  discuss  the  ideas  outlined  in  the
        funding can be used toward deployments to underserved areas,   NPRM with our members and will provide feedback to the FCC. We’ll
        defined  as  those  lacking  100/20  Mbps  service.  As  the  ACAM   also continue working with our industry partners to develop plans
        Coalition  proposal  notes,  that  opens  up the  possibility  that  an   that ensure the USF High Cost Program (HCP) provides sufficient
        A-CAM carrier could use the funding to deploy service to an area at   and predictable support to all HCP recipients.” “TDS Telecom is
        25/3 Mbps speeds and the area could immediately be considered   pleased with the unanimous vote to begin the rulemaking process
        underserved. As the FCC explained in a press release, the NPRM   to enhance the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (ACAM)
        also seeks input on how the FCC could:                 program,” said Andrew Petersen, senior vice president of Corporate
        •  Use the new Broadband DATA Act maps to determine any new   Affairs for the company. “An extended ACAM program will certainly
          deployment obligations                               bridge the digital divide by bringing future-proof internet speeds to
        •  Calculate support for an Enhanced A-CAM program, including   rural areas. This vote is an important step forward to help deliver
          whether  the  existing  A-CAM framework continues  to  be   reliable and affordable broadband to rural families and businesses
          appropriate                                          across America.”
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