Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 121


        VEON/Beeline to Assist Uzbek Government with Digitalization During WTO


                                                                                 in  the  implementation  of the  Digital
                                                                                 Uzbekistan 2030 program, while intending
                                                                                 to increase  its  volume of investments  in
                                                                                 the country’s economy by USD250 million
                                                                                 over the next five years. VEON’s statement
                                                                                 continued:  ‘The  success  of Uzbekistan’s
                                                                                 WTO application will be influenced by the
                                                                                 digitalization of the economy of Uzbekistan,
                                                                                 which is  striving  to become one  of the
                                                                                 technological  leaders  in  Central  Asia.  For
                                                                                 the world community, what is important is
                                                                                 not only the general state of the country’s
                                                                                 economy, but how the level of technology
                                                                                 development in Uzbekistan has increased.
                                                                                 By investing in the infrastructure of VEON’s
        Multinational  telecoms  group  VEON  between  Laziz  Kudratov,  First  Deputy   mobile operator, Beeline Uzbekistan, we are
        announced  that  it  will  advise  and   Minister  of Investments  &  Foreign  Trade,   striving  to make  digital  services  available
        provide  digitalization  services to the   and VEON CEO Kaan Terzioglu. VEON has   to residents  and businesses  throughout
        Uzbekistan  government  during  the  been  present  in Uzbekistan  through its   the  country, which will  no doubt be an
        country’s accession  to the  World  Trade   Beeline-branded  local operating  company   additional advantage for Uzbekistan’s WTO
        Organization  (WTO),  following a meeting   since 2006, and the cellco will participate   application.’

        EC Clears Telefonica, Pontegadea for Telxius Deal

        The European Commission (EC) approved   will own 70 per cent and 30 per cent of the   American Tower in 2021. It currently holds
        Telefonica  and  partner  Pontegadea  to   business  respectively. Clearing  the  deal,   a network of submarine cables  covering
        buy investment  company KKR’s  stake   the  EC concluded there were no relevant   94,000km.  On  first  announcing  its  intent
        in  infrastructure  business  Telxius  for   overlaps with the parties’ other interests. It   to buy part  of  KKR’s  stake,  Telefonica
        €215.7  million,  after  concluding  there   also highlighted Pontegadea’s assets were   highlighted  the  importance  of cable
        were no competition issues with the deal.   mostly in real estate and the textile sector.   networks during the  pandemic, adding
        Telefonica  and  Pontegadea  already  hold   Telxius’ business is focused on submarine   they  would  be  “equally  decisive  for the
        sizable stakes in Telxius and, on completing   cables  and  related  communications  development of the metaverse, Web 3 and
        the purchase of KKR’s 40 per cent interest,   infrastructure, having sold its tower arm to   the new digital era.”

        Government Authorizes Panama Watchdog to Take Control of Digicel

        The  Panamanian  Cabinet  Council, which   Panama by Cable  &  Wireless  Panama   We are in  operational  mode.’ Expanding
        is headed by the President of the Republic,   (trading  as  +Movil).  The  government   on the  theme, Ramos noted:  ‘So, whether
        Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, has approved the   says  that  the  move  will  ‘guarantee  the   Digicel stays on or doesn’t stay on, it really
        transfer of Digicel Panama’s  concession   continuity of the workers and the personal   doesn’t  significantly  change  what  we  …
        to the  National  Public  Services  Authority   communications service’. The update was   are  delivering  on.  Our  focus in  Panama,
        (Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios   published  on the  website  for  the  Ministry   as elsewhere, to be very honest with you,
        Publicos, ASEP).  The  decision  was made   of the  Presidency  on  27  April.  In  related   is largely organic. We don’t want to stack
        after Digicel informed the government that   news,  Millicom  International  Cellular  –   ourselves  with  picking  these  [assets
        it intended to apply for voluntary liquidation   which owns Tigo Panama – has ruled itself   up]  or that  [company]  up, because  we’re
        and  withdraw  from the  Panamanian   out of a  move  for Digicel’s  Panamanian   driving  the  brand.  We’re  being  preferred
        telecoms  market.  Digicel  blamed  its   assets. Speaking during the group’s 1Q22   by customers.  We’re driving volume,
        decision  on  the  government’s  decision  to   earnings  call  last  week, CEO Mauricio   sustaining ARPU. So, we want to stay very,
        greenlight the proposed takeover of Claro   Ramos stressed: ‘We are not in M&A mode.   very focused organically.’
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