Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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        UK Regulator Opens Consultation on mmWave 5G

        Ofcom  outlined  an  ambition  to make
        mmWave  spectrum  available  to the  UK’s
        mobile industry by 2024,  as  it launched
        a  consultation  on  opening  access  to the
        26GHz and 40GHz bands. In a statement,
        the  regulator pointed  to the  advantage
        of deploying  5G  in  the  bands  for faster
        speeds  and  greater  capacity in  crowded
        areas,  citing  transport  hubs,  busy  streets
        and entertainment venues. Ofcom noted it
        could also enable high-speed fixed wireless
        access  services  in  hard  to reach  areas
        and  be deployed in  private  networks for
        applications  including  factory  automation
        and smart agriculture. In the UK, the 26GHz   licenses  are  already  active,  Ofcom plans   and  currently  use  it  for  fixed  links.  The
        band is already used for fixed point-to-point   to issue a five year notice period to revoke   regulator’s consultation provides a number
        links; a satellite earth station; level crossing   them. In low density areas, it aims to allow   of options  for the  40GHz  band,  from
        radars  used  by  railway  operators; ultra-  existing  fixed  link  users  to  continue  with   changing existing licenses to clearing and
        wideband  radar; a  range  of short-range   current activities. Other users of the band, it   reallocating it. Alongside general views on
        devices; and  for  special  events.  Ofcom   added, are expected to co-exist with 5G and   allocation for mobile use, interested parties
        added the UK Ministry of Defence also has   other mobile services. Ofcom explained the   have also been invited to make comments
        access to the  band  but currently  doesn’t   40GHz  band  had  been  allocated  in  2008   on a potential auction format, competition
        have a use for it. The consultation outlines   with Hutchinson 3G UK, Mobile Broadband   considerations  and  license  lengths.  The
        an ambition to offer a range of very local   Network, and  MLL  40GHz  holding  the   consultation closes on 18 July 2022 with a
        and city-wide licenses for the 26GHz band.   licenses. However, the trio are not allowed   provisional timescale of making spectrum
        In high density usage areas where fixed link   to deploy mobile  services in  the  band   available by 2024.

        Videotron Wins Another Court Ruling Over Western 3.5GHz Spectrum

        Canada’s  Federal  Court  has  this  week   before  this  week’s  decision  according  to   Financial  Post,  Federal  Court  Justice
        rejected  nationwide  operator  Telus  an official at Videotron’s parent Quebecor.   Alan Diner found the  set-aside eligibility
        Communications’  attempt  to  block  Telus  had argued that  Videotron did  not   assessment  process  and  the  Minister  of
        Quebec-based  rival  Videotron’s  rights  to   meet  government  conditions  to qualify   Industry’s decision on the awards to have
        3500MHz  5G mobile licenses  in  western   for the  ‘set-aside’  spectrum (reserved  for   been  ‘fair  and  reasonable’.  Videotron had
        provinces  won at  auction  last  year.  The   companies other than Bell, Telus or mobile   indicated in its application that it qualified
        ruling  follows  the  same  court’s  refusal   market  leader  Rogers Communications)   for the  set-aside  in  British  Columbia,
        of a stay request  from  Telus  and  fellow   requiring  it  to have  existing  commercial   Alberta and Manitoba through an affiliate,
        nationwide  player Bell  Canada  in  October   facilities-based  telecoms services  in  the   Fibrenoire, which had customers in each of
        2021,  while  Bell  withdrew its  objections   auction regions,  but as  reported  by the   these provinces.

        Safaricom Allocated 2600MHz Spectrum for 5G, Report Says

        Kenyan  mobile market  leader  Safaricom   agencies but has been freed up following   preparing  to reallocate  spectrum in  the
        has  been  allocated  spectrum  in  the   a change in the technology that they use,   3.5GHz  band, which was previously
        2600MHz band from the Communications   an unnamed senior source was quoted as   assigned  for  fixed  wireless  access  (FWA)
        Authority of Kenya (CA), reports The Daily   saying.  The  source did  not  disclose  how   networks in Kenya but will be refarmed for
        Nation.  The  operator has  been  allocated   much Safaricom  paid  for the  spectrum,   5G by 30 June 2022.
        60MHz of spectrum in the 2600MHz band,   which is  expected  to be  used  for its  5G
        which was  previously  used  by security   network rollout.  The  CA is  also  currently

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