Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         approval of the Federal Network Agency (FNA). At the   the 3.6GHz band. While the 3.6GHz spectrum is already
                         FNA’s auction of 5G spectrum in the 2GHz and 3.6GHz   available, the frequencies in the 2GHz band will not be
                         ranges,  which  ended  in  June  2019,  1&1  Drillisch   useable until 1 January 2026.
                         acquired a total of two frequency blocks of 10MHz in   (December 20, 2019)
                         the 2GHz band and five frequency blocks of 10MHz in

                         In  an  attempt  to  draw  a  line  under  the  long-running   had wanted to charge it USD315 million for a 15-year
                         dispute over the price of 4G licenses in Haiti, President   licensee, while Natcom – a 60/40 JV between Viettel
                         Jovenel  Moise  has  reportedly  set  the  price  of  the   Group and the Haitian government – was only liable
                         concessions  at  USD300  million.  Mr.  Moise  said  that   for  a  USD120  million  licensee  fee.  TeleGeography
        Haiti            ‘When  I  arrived  as  the  head  of  state,  I  heard  that   notes that Natcom launched a small-scale 4G network
                         there  was  a  licensee  to  award.  For  this  licensee,  I
                                                                        in  September  2016  (continued  operational  status
                         heard  several  figures:  USD10  million,  USD20  million,   unclear) and went on to take receipt of an additional
                         USD70 million dollars. I asked experts to do a study.   2×5MHz  block  of  1700MHz  4G  spectrum  in  August
                         Today,  licenses  of  this  type  cost  nearly  USD300   2018. Digicel has yet to switch on its LTE network, but
                         million.’  Back  in  November  2018  official  National   in a press release in May 2019 – to celebrate the 13th
                         Council  of  Telecommunications  (Conseil  National   anniversary of its Haitian launch – CEO Maarten Boute
                         des  Telecommunications,  Conatel)  documentation   noted: ‘We are on the cusp of a new and very important
                         emerged  proposing  drastically  different  prices  for   investment phase to equip the country with a modern
                         concessions for the country’s two cellcos, Digicel and   4G LTE network.’
                         Natcom. Much to Digicel’s consternation, the regulator   (December 17, 2019) Le Nouvelliste

                         Hong Kong’s latest 5G spectrum auction has raised a   of  the  spectrum  will  take  effect  next  month,  with  a
                         total of HKD665.1 million (USD84.9 million), with the   validity period of 15 years. In the previous auctions, all
                         four  incumbent  operators  all  winning  frequencies.   four firms won 3.5GHz concessions, while only CMHK
                         The  Office  of  the  Communications  Authority  (OFCA)   and  HKT  bid  for  4.9GHz  permits.  In  addition,  HKT,
        Hong Kong        was offering 100MHz of spectrum in the 3.3GHz band   CMHK and SmarTone each acquired 400MHz of 26GHz
                                                                        frequencies in March this year; Hutchison 3 declined
                         following  auctions  for  3.5GHz  and  4.9GHz  licenses
                         last  month  and  a  26GHz  sale  in  March.  Hutchison  3   to  take  part  in  the  award  process,  saying  that  there
                         and HKT both agreed to pay spectrum utilization fees   is sufficient spectrum available for 5G services in the
                         (SUFs)  of  HKD199.5  million  for  30MHz  blocks,  while   lower  bands,  while  the  higher  range  frequencies  are
                         SmarTone and China Mobile Hong Kong (CMHK) offered   also not suitable for providing indoor coverage.
                         HKD133.0 million for 20MHz packets. The assignment   (November 6, 2019)

                         Hungarian   regulator   the   National   Media   &   DIGI  –  part  of  the  Digi  Communications  group  –  is
                         Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has reiterated   well-established in Hungary as the second largest fixed
                         its decision to exclude DIGI from the bidding process   broadband network operator behind Magyar Telekom,
                         for 5G mobile spectrum, although the announcement   and it launched its 3G/4G mobile network in May this
        Hungary          on the watchdog’s website confirmed that the company   year  aiming  at  bundled  services  with  an  initial  free
                                                                        mobile services model, signing up 72,000 users by end-
                         may appeal in court. A preliminary ruling in September
                         barred  Romanian-backed  DIGI  for  failing  to  meet   September. Furthermore, this month DIGI followed the
                         bidding requirement whilst naming registered bidders   lead of larger rival Vodafone by announcing a 5G base
                         as  the  country’s  three  leading  cellcos,  Deutsche   station pilot using existing 3.4GHz-3.8GHz spectrum.
                         Telekom-backed   Magyar   Telekom,   UK-owned   The  NMHH’s  latest  disclosure  said:  ‘In  the  second
                         Vodafone Hungary and Telenor Hungary, controlled by   instance, the chairman of the NMHH upheld the results
                         the Czech-backed PPF fund. The NMHH has declined   of the formal investigation into the 5G frequency sale
                         to  elaborate  on  the  reasons  for  the  decision  so  far.   after  Digi  Communications  NV  appealed  against  the
                         The 5G (700MHz, 2100MHz, 2600MHz and 3600MHz)   decision.  The  company  may  seek  legal  redress  from
                         tender, announced in June, was originally expected to   the courts.’
                         be completed by end-October, but has been delayed.   (November 29, 2019)

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